आज तेस्कै सम्झनामा। अन्तिम सुक्रबार

PART I: WRITTEN ON 6th August, 1990

आज तेस्कै सम्झनामा। अन्तिम सुक्रबार
त्यो दिन अझै मलाई याद छ। आज म त्यो दिनलाई अन्तिम सुक्रबारको नाम दिन्छु। त्यो दिन उ ओर्लियो कोटीको सडकमा। कालो शिशा भएको पहेलो बसबाट। बिच सडकमा कुद्दै गरेको हैदराबादी बसबाट ओर्लिएकोले उ हतार हतार गरेर बाटोको साइड लाग्यो। हुन पनि कती हर्न बजाका हुन है राडा राडी ले त्यो कोटिको जङ्सन्मा प्य प्या प्या एकोहोरो

उ दौडदै छेउ लाग्यो आन्ध्रा बैंकको साइडतिर। अनी लुरु लुरु हिणिरह्यो बाटोको छेवै छेउ
उ असाध्यै छिटो हिन्छ मानौ उ असाध्यै हतार मा छ। बिस्तारै त हिन्नै जान्दैन उ। जब हिन्छ उ कोटिको सडकमा आज त्यसरी उ त्यसरी नै हिड्दै छ। दाँया बाँया कतै नहेरी र केही नसुनी।

एकमन ता बोलाउ की जस्तो लाग्यो उस्लाई तर बोलाइन के सुन्दो होला र भनेर। तेसै त मान्छे नै एस्तो छ कि उ हतार मा छ भने उ ता हत्तपत्ती कसैलाई हेर्दा पनि हेर्दैन र चिन्दा पनि चिन्दैन।

फेरी अस्ती हाम्रो कोठामा केटाहरुको चिया धेरै थोरै भएको नाथे कुरोमा झगडा भये पछी ता उस्ले म सग पटक्कै कुरा गर्नै छोडेकोछ। उ भन्छ रे त्यो झगडामा मैले कुनाल लाई सप्पोर्ट् गरे रे। नाथे झुशी कुरामा पनि के झगडा गर्न जानेका हुन केटा हरुले।

मलाई याद छ। त्यो केटो हैदराबाद आउँदा कस्तो थियो। उमेर मा उ म भन्दा जेठो भयेपनि मलाई दाजु भन्थ्यो अनी मैले पनि उस्लाई भाई नै जस्तो मानेको थिए। तर आज सम्झन्छु ति अतित का दिन हरु लाई।।।।।।

एक्छीन सम्म हेरीरहे उस्लाई केही पर पुगुन्जेल तर त्य्स पस्चात् त्यो मानब सागर मा हरायो। म पनि वोमन कलेज को साइड नै साइड लागेर अफ्जाल्गन्ज हुँदै चारमिनार तर्फ लागे नमाज पढ्न भनेर. फेरी आफ्रीन लाई पनि त भेट्नु पर्नेथ्यो।।। लागे हतार हतार गरेर।

त्यो अन्तिम दिनथियो। त्य्सपछी उस्लाई मैले कहिले पनि देखिन. न ता सुने नै उस्को बारेमा। हिजो बेलुका फर्बिसगन्ज मा भेट भयो मेरो नवलपरासी का पुराना मित्र रामरोशन जि सग। राम रोशन जि भन्दै थिए उ अहिले सिक्किम मा छ रे। सोच्छु के गर्दै होला त्यो केटो। आज तेस्कै सम्झनामा। 

PART II: Written on 10th August, 1991 and added some postscript on 10th August, 2010
मेरो माथिको सत्यता मा आधारित् छोटो निबन्धलाई लिएर धेरै धम्कियुक्त कल र ईमेल हरु प्राप्त भएका छन। साथै धेरै जना साथी हरुको जिज्ञासा ले भरिएको मेल हरु पनि प्राप्त भएका छन। मुख्यता ति मेल हरु को बिषयबस्तु यो निब्न्ध कस्को बारेमा लेखिएको हो भन्ने मा आधारित् छ। साथी हरुको तिनै जिज्ञासा शान्त पार्न यो दुई चार शब्द थपेको छु। 

कुरो तेस्तै सन १९९० को हो। म हैदराबाद्को मौलाना आजाद उर्दु विश्वाबिद्यालयमा हिन्दी साहित्यमा एमए गर्दै थिए। त्य्स बखत हामी धेरै साथी हरु सगै बस्थीउ। केही साथी हरु जस्लाई म सम्झन्छु ति जमाना का- तिनिहरु थिए सौरभ ज्ञानी भट्ट ‘हावा’ , अमिताव चौधरी, आमुल्चन्द्र टपोरी, अशोक चभ्हन, बिशेष ‘स्वदेशी’ बिदेश पुरी, दिपक ‘किपर’ यादव,सुजित वीर बिक्रम शाह, सुनिल थापा कुमार चौधरी, कुनाल मुनाल शाह तेली, दिपक तेली शाह, ब्रोजेश कुमार ‘जी’ भित्र, राम रोशन ‘मनविलास’ शाह, र पवन्कुमार चाम्लिङ आदी। धेरै को ता नाम पनि भुली सके। 

म १९९० मा एमए को दोश्रो बर्ष मा थिए। तेस बखत साथी हरु को बिच्मा सामान्य मन मुटाव र झगडा भै नै रहन्थ्यो – झगडा हुनुका मुल कारण हरु टाइम मा खाना नबनाउनु, आफ्नो पालोमा खाना नबनाउनु, साथीको पैसा लगेर समयमा फिर्ता नगरनु, केटी लाई लिएर फिल्म हेर्न जान पैसा हुनु तर साथी लाई तिर्न नहुनु र तेस्ताइ चिया धेरै थोरै हुनु आदी थिए। 

मैले माथिको निबन्ध १९९० मा जब पवन्कुमार चाम्लिङ लाई देखे तेसै बखत लेखेको हो। तर यो मेरो पुरानो डैरी मै लुकेको थियो। १९९१ मा बनारस फर्किए। हिन्दी मा बनारस हिन्दू विश्वाबिद्यालय बाट पिआच्डी (बिध्यबरिधी) गर्ने मौका पाएर। तेस बखत मूगलसरए मा भएको पचासौ हिन्दी भाषा सम्मेलन मा भाग लिने क्रम हुँदै रिसर्च को लागि फर्बिस्गन्ज जादा मेरो राम रोशन ‘मनविलास’ शाह सग भेट भएको हो। उहाले नै मलाई पवन्कुमार सिक्किम गयो भनेर सुनाउनु भयो।

मैले १९९३ मा मेरो बिद्यावारीधी समाप्त भये पस्चात सिमला बाट प्रकासीत हुने ‘दल्हौजी केसरी’ भन्ने हिन्दी पत्रीका को सम्पादक भएर काम गर्ने मौका पाए। सन २००० सम्म तेसै पत्रीकामा काम गरे पछि सरकार द्वारा मलाई सन २००० मा चन्दिगढ मा खुलेको राष्ट्रिय हिन्दी विश्वाबिद्यालय को डिनमा नियुक्ती गरीयो। आज सन २०१० मा सो विश्वाबिधयलय ले १० बर्ष पुरा गरेको खुशीमा हामीले ‘पठानकोट जर्नल’ निकालेका छौ। तेही जर्नल बाट केही अंश माथि प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ। 
यो कुरा याद रहोस् कि यो निबन्ध मा भएका सबै ब्यक्ती को नाम जिवित ब्यक्ती हरुको हो। यो नाम कसै सग मिल्न ठ्यक्कै मिल्न गएमा 
सम्योग मानिने छैन। तर यि नामहरु कसैको नाम सग नमिलेको तर सुने जस्तो जस्तो अथवा मिले मिले जस्तो लगेमा केवल सम्योग मात्रै हुनेछ। यो लघु निबन्ध पहिले हिन्दी मा ‘पठानकोट जर्नल’मा प्रकासित् भएको हो। यस्लाई नेपाली मा अनुवाद गर्न सहयोग गर्ने मेरी पिए तिखी ‘कुमारी’ सिँघ बहिनी धन्यवादकी पात्र छीन।

Work sucks but I do not mind!!!

[This blog article is published in my another blog Yuvazone.]

Hey Dude!

Wat’s up man?……Vineet says, a new friend. I have seen him often in the office corridor, but had never spoken with him. He speaks with me yesterday in loo. I said, Hey Man. I am good. how r u? He says, fine………he asked me, is there work till late night? It was about six in the evening. I said not that much but one assignment is still there. And it was saturday as well which is supposed to be an off day but I was in office from morning to evening. I reciprocated him and his answer is they (He and all people in his service line-Transaction Advisory Services) treat every saturday as a working day. I understood.
So, U work in direct or indirect? “I am in Indirect tax”, was my reply. So, U work with R? again another question. He was asking about my manager. I answered no, I am with BA, my manager’s name.
Okay, So, what are you? an intern or associate? His question was little demeaning n i think by my look on face and youthness, either he underestimated me/underrated me or deleberately asked this question. or May be he did not ask the question deliberately……it was just his way of asking to know about me.
I said, “I am a Consultant”. Good, he said. So, When did you qualify? His intention was to ask when did i become a ‘Chartered Accountant’? I said, I am a lawyer, a B.A;L.L.B (Hons.)’.
As where I work is a firm by/for CAs, most of them think that I am a CA. n now, my turn to throw him flurry of questions. n the same questions- like in which service line you work? what’s ur qualification? how long u are here? how long u are here in this city? n this and that- all in Wh or yes/no question form.
He answered all, of course, as i said above, that he works in TAS and an MBA. Rest of the answers are immeterial now.
After this initial introductory session, now, questions about real work that we do. N he is there to ask another question, “How is work?”
I looked at him, and slowly stared at him, maintaining silence. He waited for my answer. and finally after a little longer pause, I answered, “It sucks.”
and again a silence, n then, I add, “But, I do not mind.”
hahahha…….hehehe………laughter from both sides. R not you enjoying it? another question there.
No, absolutely not, was my staright forward answer. I look at him n he is looking at me, is in a real difficulty whether to smile or not. He is in his half smile, and I futher add his difficulty by saying ” But, I am getting used to it.” I flash a broad smile and he understand that it’s moment to smile.
Yes, of course. All moments in life are fpor smile. We should be cheerfull all the time should be able to laugh at our failures and adversity so that stresses can be put at bay. 
Of course, smiling and cheering up life does not mean that you should not take work seriously. In fact, we should always be serious in life at work but tension and pressure because of work should not be there. Anyway, after this initial on and off of laughter and smile, he asked me general nature of work. Then, I started explaining him that I am replying a show cause notice where stakes are very high. Only the service tax demanded by government is more than 100 Carores and I gave some gyan about my kind of work. N we headed to our respective service line compartments.
He headed to west and I headed to east to be more serious in work and to get more ‘used to’ of it.

Service tax and Judiciary and Valuation

The taxes can be imposed on selective services. The government can identify the certain services like tour operator services, travel agents services, air travel serves, content and web-designing services etc. and can impose service tax. It is true that in matters of taxation, the Legislature possesses large freedom and wide discretion can be exercised and the legislation cannot be attacked for the reason that while taxes are levied on some persons/categories of services while leaving out others. Therefore, any legal hardship that can be met in court can be easily tackled.

It is a policy decision for the executives/legislatures to decide whether to tax or not and on which sector to tax and which sector to leave. Courts can not tell government to tax any particular sector and not to tax another service sector. It is a policy decision and generally will not be challengeable in the courts of law. It is for the Legislature to determine the question of need and to select the goods or services for taxation. Courts cannot review the wisdom or advisability or expediency of a tax as the Court has no concern with the policy of legislation, so long as they do not violate the constitutional provision. Taxes may be and often are oppressive, unjust and even unnecessary but this can constitute no reason for judicial interference. Every tax must discriminate and only the authority that imposes it can determine how or in what directions.

Valuation of service rendered

The value of service normally refers to the gross amount charged for the service provided, upon which tax is to be calculated. In the event of mix up of goods and services, the value of goods has to be deducted to arrive at value of service.

It will be in the interests of nation if services are exported more and more amount of foreign reserves are earned. To benefit from it, it should be noted that service tax should not be imposed where the services are exported outside the territory of the country as it increases the international competitiveness.

Where a single service provider provides multiplicity of services and when all the services are not taxable, payment of tax and assessment will be difficult and fraught with complications. A single contract may cover both goods and services and tax may be levied both under VAT and Service Tax Act upon the consideration. But, on the portion of consideration on which service tax is levied, VAT can not be levied.

Happy New Year 2008-Part I

I am interning these days in Hyderabad in a corporate office. I was in New Delhi in the month of November to complete my one month internship in a Law Firm. At the end of the month in November, I came back to Hyderabad and joined this new Office where I will be for some more days.These days, internship has become part of life of every student and in fact, it should be. It keeps everyone updated with latest developments and teaches you the skills of working. I hope that I am getting it.

Generally, my work keeps me busy quite often and at this moment also, I am not that jobless but I thought for a while, to write something here as I have not penned down anything in these past two months.Again, the policy of limited use of internet in other activities except than research activities required to this firm does not allow me to use this internet connection for any other purposes than my daily job requirements. These days, I spend my 5 days in a week in this job place except Saturday and Sunday and each day minimum 14 hours and that goes to the extent of 17 hours as well. The job is rigorous, to put it plainly and frankly, I do not enjoy working that much but I know that this is a part of life.

I always thought that Studying is the toughest task human beings will perform but now, I have realized that working is thousands time tougher than study but this is too late as I am at the verge of graduating from my University and ready to take up challenges- working somewhere and earning some good amount.When I say that I am not enjoying working that does not mean that I am working in a place where I do not enjoy.

I am generally referring to my normal response to work as all human beings, naturally, love to be lazy if they get some way to earn and make a living. In fact, where I am working is one of the best places to work and we have very great office environment. When someone gives you a good environment, it is obvious that they demand quality work and for what we all are born.I understand that as I am just an intern, the pressure I get from job is obviously less than that of regular employees and I am mentally being ready to get that tough challenge on my shoulder after I pass out from the University in coming May, 2008.

For the knowledge of those who do not know me much, I will be completing my B.A; L.L.B (Hons.) in this coming May, 2008.2008-right! That starts from tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new year of 2008 and is first of January. Let me wish all of you a happy and very great New Year. Let this coming year make you healthy, wealthy and very prosperous from all fronts. May Almighty god bless you to live a very comfortable life. That’s it! Too much for New Year.In my blog, when I talk about me, I am not too much enthusiastic about this New Year. For me, it is just another day and goes as simple and as usual. Till now, while writing this piece of crap, I have no plans at all to celebrate New Year which is just 6 hours far from me and apparently, I will be leaving office only after 9PM Indian Standard Time.

Hopefully, by the time, I reach to the room, my friends will have started cooking some good food-good food, for me, is something that contains “any” non-veg stuff. Yes, do not be surprised, any means anything so long as it is clean, healthy and non-poisonous assuming there are some poisonous animals in the world. Now, again going back to the New Year, I have no plans and not much enthusiasm but I can see people around here-in and out of office, with loads of happiness on their face. I simply fail to understand why and not in mood of understanding any reason behind that happiness and neither asking them nor commenting on it, let them be happy because they deserve it after a long and long working ordeals.

I can hear that there are various parties in Hyderabad City tonight. I am not party animal and simply love to be away from such lights, music and too much jazzy stuffs. Somebody is telling me that there is a party which costs Rs. 3000 (Indian Rupees) for a night. I am not interested as I am not party animal and another thing is that that is simply beyond my reach and ability to afford. There are other reasons also not to attend these kinds of parties as I gave up drinking. Gave up in the sense that I used to drink rarely, in a good societal word, “used to drink socially”. I felt that I am very unsocial on such social drinking and these days refused to be social at all when the issue of drinking comes. I do not feel proud of what I decided but I simply feel good that I took one right decision in my life as it affects me-deciding not to drink. And, I believe that parties without drinking and liquor are like “curry without pinch of salt” for most of the people and I love to give them that freedom but do not want to sound and be awkward in that gathering. I think that these must be the valid points why I stay far from these social gathering which are especially arranged at night. In night, there is nothing comfortable like my Room and my bed with thin blanket.

Part 2 is coming shortly………………….  

From another City

I just read an Article from Wall street Journal written by Krishna ji along with his friend. It was a good one to read something after a long break because of my exams. My Usual seat is my University Hostel Room in Hyderabad. But, I am far now, I am far from there, and very far-almost about 1600 Kms far in New Delhi-Capital of India. I am here for my Internship for a month in a law firm that I am joining tomorrow.  I have just arrived here today. I am staying with Krishna Ji and Madhu before I shift to some Paying Guests. We will search for that tomorrow. 

I am here in Delhi around 11 AM this morning after a very long journey of Train. Usually, Train takes 26 Hours to reach Delhi from Hyderabad but this morning the train was delayed by two hours taking around 28 Hours.It was a good morning of 27th October when I left Hyderabad. 26th October was a KoJAGRAT PURNIMA-the last day

 of Dashain. We all, Kul sir, Ashok Bhai, and Deepak Ji, decided not to sleep whole nights and played cards and watched TV along with our unstoppable chita chat. We did not know why we decided not to sleep. We did not really care about religious aspects of this festival but merely decided to wake up whole night. Morning was cool. We all came to railway Station. Kul, Ashok and Deepak ji came to see me off and it was so nice to take Bus instead of little expensive autos.  Hope to see all in Hyderabad after a month as I am going back at that time.Will be updating this whenever I have time and of Course, I have to say keep on reading!!!

Come One, Come All To Vote Your Destiny: Election Commission

[ My few Words: This article is a copy-paste Article written by Dinesh Wagle in United We Blog. I have copied this article from UWB’s website as it helps to spread information about Constituent Assembly Election in Nepal. For further information about its original publication, see the bottom of this Article. All Copyrights over the Article and images belong to Original Authors.]

By Dinesh Wagle

As part of its unprecedented campaign, Election Commission will send 8 thousand volunteers in each and every house of all villages of Nepal to deliver invitation cards: You and your family members [who are registered at the Commission] are heartily invited to the nearby voting both for the Constituent Assembly election on November 22.


An invitation to your family to vote. Sketch by Dewen via Kantipur

Continue reading “Come One, Come All To Vote Your Destiny: Election Commission”