आज तेस्कै सम्झनामा। अन्तिम सुक्रबार

PART I: WRITTEN ON 6th August, 1990

आज तेस्कै सम्झनामा। अन्तिम सुक्रबार
त्यो दिन अझै मलाई याद छ। आज म त्यो दिनलाई अन्तिम सुक्रबारको नाम दिन्छु। त्यो दिन उ ओर्लियो कोटीको सडकमा। कालो शिशा भएको पहेलो बसबाट। बिच सडकमा कुद्दै गरेको हैदराबादी बसबाट ओर्लिएकोले उ हतार हतार गरेर बाटोको साइड लाग्यो। हुन पनि कती हर्न बजाका हुन है राडा राडी ले त्यो कोटिको जङ्सन्मा प्य प्या प्या एकोहोरो

उ दौडदै छेउ लाग्यो आन्ध्रा बैंकको साइडतिर। अनी लुरु लुरु हिणिरह्यो बाटोको छेवै छेउ
उ असाध्यै छिटो हिन्छ मानौ उ असाध्यै हतार मा छ। बिस्तारै त हिन्नै जान्दैन उ। जब हिन्छ उ कोटिको सडकमा आज त्यसरी उ त्यसरी नै हिड्दै छ। दाँया बाँया कतै नहेरी र केही नसुनी।

एकमन ता बोलाउ की जस्तो लाग्यो उस्लाई तर बोलाइन के सुन्दो होला र भनेर। तेसै त मान्छे नै एस्तो छ कि उ हतार मा छ भने उ ता हत्तपत्ती कसैलाई हेर्दा पनि हेर्दैन र चिन्दा पनि चिन्दैन।

फेरी अस्ती हाम्रो कोठामा केटाहरुको चिया धेरै थोरै भएको नाथे कुरोमा झगडा भये पछी ता उस्ले म सग पटक्कै कुरा गर्नै छोडेकोछ। उ भन्छ रे त्यो झगडामा मैले कुनाल लाई सप्पोर्ट् गरे रे। नाथे झुशी कुरामा पनि के झगडा गर्न जानेका हुन केटा हरुले।

मलाई याद छ। त्यो केटो हैदराबाद आउँदा कस्तो थियो। उमेर मा उ म भन्दा जेठो भयेपनि मलाई दाजु भन्थ्यो अनी मैले पनि उस्लाई भाई नै जस्तो मानेको थिए। तर आज सम्झन्छु ति अतित का दिन हरु लाई।।।।।।

एक्छीन सम्म हेरीरहे उस्लाई केही पर पुगुन्जेल तर त्य्स पस्चात् त्यो मानब सागर मा हरायो। म पनि वोमन कलेज को साइड नै साइड लागेर अफ्जाल्गन्ज हुँदै चारमिनार तर्फ लागे नमाज पढ्न भनेर. फेरी आफ्रीन लाई पनि त भेट्नु पर्नेथ्यो।।। लागे हतार हतार गरेर।

त्यो अन्तिम दिनथियो। त्य्सपछी उस्लाई मैले कहिले पनि देखिन. न ता सुने नै उस्को बारेमा। हिजो बेलुका फर्बिसगन्ज मा भेट भयो मेरो नवलपरासी का पुराना मित्र रामरोशन जि सग। राम रोशन जि भन्दै थिए उ अहिले सिक्किम मा छ रे। सोच्छु के गर्दै होला त्यो केटो। आज तेस्कै सम्झनामा। 

PART II: Written on 10th August, 1991 and added some postscript on 10th August, 2010
मेरो माथिको सत्यता मा आधारित् छोटो निबन्धलाई लिएर धेरै धम्कियुक्त कल र ईमेल हरु प्राप्त भएका छन। साथै धेरै जना साथी हरुको जिज्ञासा ले भरिएको मेल हरु पनि प्राप्त भएका छन। मुख्यता ति मेल हरु को बिषयबस्तु यो निब्न्ध कस्को बारेमा लेखिएको हो भन्ने मा आधारित् छ। साथी हरुको तिनै जिज्ञासा शान्त पार्न यो दुई चार शब्द थपेको छु। 

कुरो तेस्तै सन १९९० को हो। म हैदराबाद्को मौलाना आजाद उर्दु विश्वाबिद्यालयमा हिन्दी साहित्यमा एमए गर्दै थिए। त्य्स बखत हामी धेरै साथी हरु सगै बस्थीउ। केही साथी हरु जस्लाई म सम्झन्छु ति जमाना का- तिनिहरु थिए सौरभ ज्ञानी भट्ट ‘हावा’ , अमिताव चौधरी, आमुल्चन्द्र टपोरी, अशोक चभ्हन, बिशेष ‘स्वदेशी’ बिदेश पुरी, दिपक ‘किपर’ यादव,सुजित वीर बिक्रम शाह, सुनिल थापा कुमार चौधरी, कुनाल मुनाल शाह तेली, दिपक तेली शाह, ब्रोजेश कुमार ‘जी’ भित्र, राम रोशन ‘मनविलास’ शाह, र पवन्कुमार चाम्लिङ आदी। धेरै को ता नाम पनि भुली सके। 

म १९९० मा एमए को दोश्रो बर्ष मा थिए। तेस बखत साथी हरु को बिच्मा सामान्य मन मुटाव र झगडा भै नै रहन्थ्यो – झगडा हुनुका मुल कारण हरु टाइम मा खाना नबनाउनु, आफ्नो पालोमा खाना नबनाउनु, साथीको पैसा लगेर समयमा फिर्ता नगरनु, केटी लाई लिएर फिल्म हेर्न जान पैसा हुनु तर साथी लाई तिर्न नहुनु र तेस्ताइ चिया धेरै थोरै हुनु आदी थिए। 

मैले माथिको निबन्ध १९९० मा जब पवन्कुमार चाम्लिङ लाई देखे तेसै बखत लेखेको हो। तर यो मेरो पुरानो डैरी मै लुकेको थियो। १९९१ मा बनारस फर्किए। हिन्दी मा बनारस हिन्दू विश्वाबिद्यालय बाट पिआच्डी (बिध्यबरिधी) गर्ने मौका पाएर। तेस बखत मूगलसरए मा भएको पचासौ हिन्दी भाषा सम्मेलन मा भाग लिने क्रम हुँदै रिसर्च को लागि फर्बिस्गन्ज जादा मेरो राम रोशन ‘मनविलास’ शाह सग भेट भएको हो। उहाले नै मलाई पवन्कुमार सिक्किम गयो भनेर सुनाउनु भयो।

मैले १९९३ मा मेरो बिद्यावारीधी समाप्त भये पस्चात सिमला बाट प्रकासीत हुने ‘दल्हौजी केसरी’ भन्ने हिन्दी पत्रीका को सम्पादक भएर काम गर्ने मौका पाए। सन २००० सम्म तेसै पत्रीकामा काम गरे पछि सरकार द्वारा मलाई सन २००० मा चन्दिगढ मा खुलेको राष्ट्रिय हिन्दी विश्वाबिद्यालय को डिनमा नियुक्ती गरीयो। आज सन २०१० मा सो विश्वाबिधयलय ले १० बर्ष पुरा गरेको खुशीमा हामीले ‘पठानकोट जर्नल’ निकालेका छौ। तेही जर्नल बाट केही अंश माथि प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ। 
यो कुरा याद रहोस् कि यो निबन्ध मा भएका सबै ब्यक्ती को नाम जिवित ब्यक्ती हरुको हो। यो नाम कसै सग मिल्न ठ्यक्कै मिल्न गएमा 
सम्योग मानिने छैन। तर यि नामहरु कसैको नाम सग नमिलेको तर सुने जस्तो जस्तो अथवा मिले मिले जस्तो लगेमा केवल सम्योग मात्रै हुनेछ। यो लघु निबन्ध पहिले हिन्दी मा ‘पठानकोट जर्नल’मा प्रकासित् भएको हो। यस्लाई नेपाली मा अनुवाद गर्न सहयोग गर्ने मेरी पिए तिखी ‘कुमारी’ सिँघ बहिनी धन्यवादकी पात्र छीन।

Nepali Gazal, kabita(नेपाली साहित्य, कबिता र गजल)-1

This is a Nepali Poem/Gazal/ gajal written by myself. I do not know much about Gazal/Ghazal/गजल but shall try whenever I have time. I like writing Nepali and English Poems and reading them and गजलis one of such areas which attracts my interests. In my other blogs, there are other Poem/Gazal/ गजल. In case you also write Poem/Gazal/ गजल , then, you can send them to me, I will publish them in my blog. I am grateful to my all the readers for reading my Nepali Poem/Gazal/ गजल.

As I said above, I like Nepali Poem(kabita) and Nepali Gazals(Poem/Gazal/ गजल), I will be posting here some more Poem/Gazal/ गजल when I have time. You can also send me your Poems and Nepali Gazals.

Literature is such an interesting thing in Life and our Nepali literature is also very rich. Just We need to do is keep on Contributing to this field.

नेपाली साहित्य, कबिता र गजल मन पराउने साथी हरुलाई तल को कबिता/Poem/Gazal/ गजल प्रस्तुत गरेको छु। तपाईं पनि यदी नेपाली गजल मन पराउनु हुन्छ भने यो ब्लग हेर्दैइ गर्नु होला। मेरो ब्लग मा पालिदिनु भएकोमा धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद।

धेरै आएन, अहिले लाई दुई लाइन। बाँकी पछी बढाउला.

मेरो घरको आगनी मा मैले तुलशी रोपेको छु
तिम्रो नाम तिम्रो चित्र मेरो मनमा खोपेकोछु

This post has been tagged under Nepali kabita, Nepali gazal, नेपाली साहित्य, Nepali kabita haru, Nepali Gazals, नेपाली कबिता, nepali gazals, nepaligazal, नेपाली गजल, and gazal.

About Dashain and changing lives!!!

My yesterday’s blog post was incomplete. Incomplete in the sense, I portrayed my happiness that Dashain has brought but something about sadness of life was not documented well.


I am going home after 6 long years but it seems that my Daju, Bhauju, Didi, Bhinaju, Bhanji (She is not even one year old and I have not seen her), and my Kanchho Bhai can not come home this time in Dashain. I am not sure that whether they will come; but when I called my Mom yesterday, she said that she is also not so sure if they come.


The main reason, as I have understood, is that the recent floods have swept the Mahendra Highway in Nepal and there is no connecting transport by road. If that is the case and if this problem persists long, then, it’s sure that they will not come this year. How many people can fly in these inflationing days. Price of everything is going up. No fuel, high cost of Fuel especially ATF (Aviation Turbine Fuel) is increasing day by day and I am not sure if Plane touches sky but price of oils has already touched the blue sky. It’s little less this time than almost 4/5 months ago but that is not the relief to common man like us.


I have heard that there is boating facility in SaptaKoshi to cross the river but it is very risky and it is generally not advisable to travel by this man pulled boats as safety in these village made boats are next to nil.


So? So, I do not think we all family member gather this time. This Dashain is going to be incomplete for us.

But, that’s the part of normal human life. As we grow and as and when our wings come out, we love to fly far and sometimes, it will be difficult for us to come back and fly back to home well in time.

Anyways, whatever happens and whatever is going to happen, I am going home to celebrate Dashain, 2008. That’s all about little sad aspect of Dashain.


Now, going to general stuffs about blogging, it was a long hiatus before I started writing again. I feel good to write whatever ideas crop in my mind but the motivation is lacking. I am trying to discipline myself but many times, I am losing tracks. Yesterday night, I read some good, in fact below expectation, entries in blogs maintained by various Nepalese friends. It seems that all are going slow.


The idea about writing is diminished by the fact that the reading of books has also reduced substantially. Writing is all about imagination and ideas and more we read various books and articles, the more writable ideas flow in our mind. For imagination, we need a topic on which we can think, the topic with which we can play by creating ideas and extending its limbs. The less we read, the less imagination. I know all this but not able to read that many books these days. Hopefully, I will be able to read something which will not be related to my work. Otherwise, I have been reading only what Tribunal, High Court and Supreme Court is saying these days on various areas of taxation. Hopefully, things are going to change on coming days. That’s all from my side today.


Before, I say Good Bye to you, Once again, A very great and happy Vijaya Dashami and Bada Dashain, 2008 to all of You!

Dashain 2008:CB welcomes you!(CB in Home soon!)

I was thinking that I will write a sad story whenever I write another post in this blog. Here was already planned ‘sad story’ and I was ready for it to face it and to place before you, my venerable readers. I was thinking that I will write that I will write that sad story elaborately and pour my heart for the last time to end one chapter of my blog and of my life. Sadly, that did not happen, and my sad story has become very obsolete. What a sad ending!!


But, that’s good. I am happy. The sad story was not what I wanted but I was just thrown by tides of times, on the shore of my life and was compelled to write something sad.


Fortunately, another tide took me inside that ocean and now, everything seems great, very great and happy in life.


To start a great good and happy story from my side, I am coming/going home on 2nd October, to Jhapa, Nepal and will be back to Hyderabad, India on 14th.


After the five consecutive absence in Dashain for the last five years from 2003-07, I am elated this time to be in home. I am happy to receive Tika and Jamara with auspicious blessings from my parents, from my paternal grandmother, and from my maternal grand parents.


When I look back, I feel that I received Dashain ko Tika long time back. Now, I do not even remember how that Dashain was for me. It was a time when I celebrated my Dashain after coming back from Kathmandu where I went to be a Doctor or Engineer. Sadly, I could not be both and I was feeling so low that I did not want to be in Home in Dashain. I was so ashamed to show my face to my parents and brothers who sent me to Kathmandu to accomplish the mission and they used to send a good amount of money but again sadly, I do not remember how I blew them up. So, there was a kind of indignation in me. I was just feeling that I can not be anything in my life if I can not be doctor or Engineer but my every attempts in Entrance examination was not taking me even near to waiting list.


At that time, my father understood the kinds of thought in me and used to calling me almost everyday if I booked Tickets to come home in advance as there will be huge rush at the last moment. Sometimes, I told him that I am not getting tickets and finally booked tickets for the day of MahaAsthami, the eighth day of Dashain, Generally, before that year, Dashain meant us from the very first day, from Ghatashthapana. Our School and even Colleges remained close for 15 days and the year of 2002 was the first time when I reached home lately feeling so low in life. I reached home around 3 PM in the afternoon and everyone was waiting for me, especially my dad had not eaten anything and was waiting for me. That moment is still in my head from that day.


That year, I did wait for Tihar and immediately after that, I returned Kathmandu. Now, it seemed that being a Doctor is not on my fate, I joined TriChandra College, Kathmandu. I found that college so disturbing that I somehow felt there is no future for me studying there and started running somewhere for any excuse. Meantime, I got a chance to come to India to study Law; I just grabbed it and ran to India without considering any consequences. And the rest of my good and great years I spent in Hyderabad, India. I graduated this year with B.A; L.L.B (Hons.). In the last Dashain I celebrated, I was clueless about my life and no where near my destiny and this year I feel that I have realized my worth and has clear vision and a degree which gives me enough confidence to compete anywhere.


A job on hand and some money to put on mother’s hands are bonus for me for this Dashain. I will be heading home on 2nd October and reach there on 4th morning and will be back by 14th as only limited leave available.


I wish all of you, who read me, a happy Bada Dashain and Vijaya Dashami.

(To be continued in next post……………)

A post after a long time!!

Is it worth writing? Questions need to be asked these days. Not writing for so many days and being far from blog world for many many months, there is something that tells me that I should write.

But what?

What is there to write at this moment?

Time has changed as it always does. Last time, when I published my blog or when I wrote last time, I was officially a student in a University. Now, I am no more a student.

The status message has changed since then. Now, I am more an executive cum consultant. I have joined a job where I need to advise on various tax issues to my clients.

I recently joined this job in June after being graduated. I completed my University successfully and did pass my B.A; L.L.B (Hons.).

Recently, I had my graduation- Convocation in my University on July 18th. It was nice to see my old friends back in the University, almost all leaving one or two.

I miss those old good days. Missing University and Hotel life.

When I started writing this blog post, I cant remember, but I want to finish it today-14th September.

Life seems to be busier these days. I hardly get any time to do anything on weekdays. On weekdays, I just need to take rest and days are passing just like that.

The job in a way is a rigorous one, that’s what I am finding but there is no alternative as well. I need to stick with it and complete all the tasks on time.

Though we put only 40 hours in our time sheet for a week (8hours*5 days), we actually end up working more than 55 hours per week. There is no alternative to it and I am just getting used to with it and enjoying the job.

My work is based at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India and I work in Indirect Tax Department where I need to advise clients on the issues of Customs Laws, Excise, VAT, Entry Tax, Profession Tax and on issues of dumping and anti-dumping duty.

Today, it feels strange writing this blog after a long time. I did not post anything almost for 9 months. The pressure of study and work was always there but it was more to do with sheer laziness. Being a human beings, the greatest obstacle in our life is not working and being controlled by our laziness. That I hate but unfortunately can not escape from the grip of it.

I am not sure how often I will be updating this page and how often U readers, can see a new post on it. But, there will be a constant endeavour from my side to update it regularly.

After completing my undergraduate, I had desire to study my Masters, LLM but for the time being, it has been stalled. I hope to revive my desire to be student again and go to colleges/ University. Though Lawyers are supposed to study always and our job requirements require it, I am not that able to devote my time fully on my study. I am constantly struggling and struggling.

I am looking forward to great September and half of October. I am flying to Mumbai tomorrow for my training arranged by my office. It is a five days training and I will be back to Hyderabad on 19th Friday nights. Saturday and Sundays are holiday. So, I have great weekdays and weekends. Again, there is another two days Human Resource Induction Training in Hyderabad. That means I need not go to office those days. So, my office days in September are effectively reduced to very few days. In October, I am attending only one day, that is October First and then, head home to Nepal, Jhapa District for Dashain. It is the Dashain that I am looking forward to attend after a long gap of five years. I will be in Home in Dashain and I can’t imagine how great it is going to be.

And this is all from my side about me and my job. Now, forgetting about me and job, generally, life is good in India. But, these days, there are frequent bomb blasts in major cities in India carried out by Terrorists. That really worries us. There are people who are fighting in the name of religion and are really motivated to kill innocent citizens and people who have not committed any mistakes in life. It is sad for us to watch everyday that kind of news and after that the plight of victims and their next kin. There is a strong need to break the back of terrorists. I hope that porous border of Indo- Nepal has not been mis-utilized to carry out these dastardly activities.

Comrade Prachanda is coming to India as Nepalese Prime Minister. We hope that he raises many issues that have put Nepal in unfavorable situation in the past. He should talk on the issues of cross border terrorism, greater economic cooperation, greater cooperation in energy sector, Education, Infrastructure Development and issues of terrorisms. Now, Nepal has enormous task to make country suitable for foreign direct investment and Indian companies are the best suited to expand there. There are a lot of potential gains that we can receive from India.

And, let’s see how the events unfold in coming days. Keep on visiting my page. I will be back with regular updates in coming days, hopefully.

Part II-But of What?

[Some part of this post was written on 31st December and has been completed now and just today. So, it contains at the end, more than what exactly was intended on that day. I hope that you all will enjoy.]


In my part I blog, I was talking at the end, my room and thin blanket. Let us see my room first. How does it look like? It looks very dirty, that is sure as I am very lazy to clean and not only me but my room members are also too lazy, and some even more lazy/lazier than me. It’s okay; it is their human rights to be lazy in a same fashion like mine. One more thing, these days, I am not in my regular room. Regular room-I mean, my usual University Hostel Room, which is my not only whole world but an entire universe and that remain always dirty occupied by a single member-me. Now and these days, my university is closed and is My University Hostel and we are not allowed to stay in that Hostel Room. So, I am like a refugee and staying with some of my kind hearted and very very helpful friends like Prashant, Kul Chandra and Ashok. There we live, many many people, about a dozen these days and very amicably and in a very friendly manner, till I am writing this another crap.


Now, let’s look at what we do regularly in our room. We never forget to do two very great and important things in our room. We regularly eat and quite happily sleep.


We sleep these days like animal and sometimes, even more happily than some of these animals in this world. We live a very carefree life though we know that many challenges are waiting for us.


I had made a reference about sleeping and thin blanket on my earlier post in part I of this blog, if u remember rightly. Most of you might be wearing thick woolen clothes and must be sheltering inside Nepali Sirak or some Chinese or foreign blankets that too under a very thick blanket. U must do it. If you are from delhi, u might be reeling under 2-3 Degree Celsius or if u are from kathmandu, temperature might be there around 5 degree Celsius and what about London and Astana????? I am sure that these all places have nice and pretty winter with a temperature that I personally like.


But, Dude, the story is different here. The people who are born and brought up here say that this year, it is cooler than all previous year. Might be! I can not feel it as last year, I had felt it hot and so, I do feel this year. Let me tell u situation here that, a normal cotton shirt from morning to evening will work as more than a blanket if you stay inside house. If you go out in the day time, you feel very hot. This is a place which is different and so, generally is South India.


So, thin blanket in the night serves all the purpose for what it is required here and that too switching on the fan. We need to switch on the fan before we sleep, and that is the story of this place.


The place is like this and there is nothing good or bad about the place as hot n cold environment is all about Nature. People stay here irrespective of what kind of temperature is here and so, I lived in this place for last five years and that experience is always good to remember.


While, I started writing this post on 31st December, I had some certain other issues in my mind but today, when I am about to complete this, there is nothing that I remember that I wanted to write. So, if I make u feel bored coz of this incessant talk about this place, u just need to forgive me.

           Before, I part with his blog entry, I am sincerely thankful to Yogesh, a learned Senior brother, (for law graduates, two lawyers are always ‘learned brothers’) for taking his some time off from his rigorous study life and making some comments on my blog. I know, these days, hardly anyone reads me and even few bother to encourage by commenting. In such a draught situation, the efforts of Yogesh Sir were very encouraging to me and wish him and all the readers a great success in life. Keep on Reading!!!!! 

Happy New Year 2008-Part I

I am interning these days in Hyderabad in a corporate office. I was in New Delhi in the month of November to complete my one month internship in a Law Firm. At the end of the month in November, I came back to Hyderabad and joined this new Office where I will be for some more days.These days, internship has become part of life of every student and in fact, it should be. It keeps everyone updated with latest developments and teaches you the skills of working. I hope that I am getting it.

Generally, my work keeps me busy quite often and at this moment also, I am not that jobless but I thought for a while, to write something here as I have not penned down anything in these past two months.Again, the policy of limited use of internet in other activities except than research activities required to this firm does not allow me to use this internet connection for any other purposes than my daily job requirements. These days, I spend my 5 days in a week in this job place except Saturday and Sunday and each day minimum 14 hours and that goes to the extent of 17 hours as well. The job is rigorous, to put it plainly and frankly, I do not enjoy working that much but I know that this is a part of life.

I always thought that Studying is the toughest task human beings will perform but now, I have realized that working is thousands time tougher than study but this is too late as I am at the verge of graduating from my University and ready to take up challenges- working somewhere and earning some good amount.When I say that I am not enjoying working that does not mean that I am working in a place where I do not enjoy.

I am generally referring to my normal response to work as all human beings, naturally, love to be lazy if they get some way to earn and make a living. In fact, where I am working is one of the best places to work and we have very great office environment. When someone gives you a good environment, it is obvious that they demand quality work and for what we all are born.I understand that as I am just an intern, the pressure I get from job is obviously less than that of regular employees and I am mentally being ready to get that tough challenge on my shoulder after I pass out from the University in coming May, 2008.

For the knowledge of those who do not know me much, I will be completing my B.A; L.L.B (Hons.) in this coming May, 2008.2008-right! That starts from tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new year of 2008 and is first of January. Let me wish all of you a happy and very great New Year. Let this coming year make you healthy, wealthy and very prosperous from all fronts. May Almighty god bless you to live a very comfortable life. That’s it! Too much for New Year.In my blog, when I talk about me, I am not too much enthusiastic about this New Year. For me, it is just another day and goes as simple and as usual. Till now, while writing this piece of crap, I have no plans at all to celebrate New Year which is just 6 hours far from me and apparently, I will be leaving office only after 9PM Indian Standard Time.

Hopefully, by the time, I reach to the room, my friends will have started cooking some good food-good food, for me, is something that contains “any” non-veg stuff. Yes, do not be surprised, any means anything so long as it is clean, healthy and non-poisonous assuming there are some poisonous animals in the world. Now, again going back to the New Year, I have no plans and not much enthusiasm but I can see people around here-in and out of office, with loads of happiness on their face. I simply fail to understand why and not in mood of understanding any reason behind that happiness and neither asking them nor commenting on it, let them be happy because they deserve it after a long and long working ordeals.

I can hear that there are various parties in Hyderabad City tonight. I am not party animal and simply love to be away from such lights, music and too much jazzy stuffs. Somebody is telling me that there is a party which costs Rs. 3000 (Indian Rupees) for a night. I am not interested as I am not party animal and another thing is that that is simply beyond my reach and ability to afford. There are other reasons also not to attend these kinds of parties as I gave up drinking. Gave up in the sense that I used to drink rarely, in a good societal word, “used to drink socially”. I felt that I am very unsocial on such social drinking and these days refused to be social at all when the issue of drinking comes. I do not feel proud of what I decided but I simply feel good that I took one right decision in my life as it affects me-deciding not to drink. And, I believe that parties without drinking and liquor are like “curry without pinch of salt” for most of the people and I love to give them that freedom but do not want to sound and be awkward in that gathering. I think that these must be the valid points why I stay far from these social gathering which are especially arranged at night. In night, there is nothing comfortable like my Room and my bed with thin blanket.

Part 2 is coming shortly………………….  

Once again-Another Dashain

I am updating this Blog after a Long Time. It has been very tumultuous months for me in the recent past. Nothing wrong and nothing bad at all but the enthusiasm factor has gone down. This is not a good sign. After a long time, I am gathering some energy to update this Page. First of all, I would like to extend my Good Blessings to you all on auspicious occasion of Bada Dashain and Happy Vijaya Dashami. May Lord Durga bless you all!!!

We can term this Blog entry as a kind of Dashain Blog. I am concentrating all my thoughts on Dashain and some nostalgia.


I just today watched my blog statistics and found that total 4 people visited me today. I remember there used to be one occasion where around 200 people used to visit my blog daily. I could not give continuity and the slide of Blog started. I am here to blame myself for my erratic behaviour and Today, this erratic behaviour costed me some of my valuable readers and some of the people who used to appreciate my writings. Today, my blog looks like a desert and no one bothers to visit. Some people, I can see still here roaming over my blog. Those people must like a thirsty deer that runs towards a desert by seeing a mirage-that is lake full of water. I do not know, If this blog is just a mirage for someone but my sincere thanks to all who are offering their little time to visit this Blog. Thank you all of you!!!!


While going through statistics of my blog, I saw that somebody has visited my blog after being referred by Google. I just clicked the link to know what had been searched in Google that directed the viewer to my Blog. The referral link is like this:


That means, someone searched Dashain Theme and my blog entry appeared at number 4. The blog post referred there was my entry that I posted last year in 2006 on occasion of Dashain(See here for last year’s entry: https://talkingforum.wordpress.com/2006/09/23/dashain-aayo/ ). Oh My God! How fast time passes and we are just at the door of another Dashain.


Dashain Aayo, Khaula Piula, Kaha Paula—- like these, used to be the songs that we used to sing in our childhood. Staying together with brothers, sisters, parents and celebrating Dashain used to give us that pleasure for what we always waited for another Dashain. But, it has been a long gap of 5 years and I am not in my home in Dashain and neither in Tihar to mention here. I hope to break this continuity from next year onwards but who knows what happens next year.


Khana ani launa ta paiye kai chha in these last five years but napaiyekai euta kura chahi ho Dashain Manauna.


Though I will not be enjoying much in this Dashain, I once again, wish happy Dashain to all of you who can celebrate this.


Dashain Aayo!!! Happy Dashain!!!




Random Feelings without dream

I have NO Dream
Sounds pessimistic? Right. Of Course, let’s talk about pessimism sometimes. Let’s talk about dark things in life. Life is not only spring; it passes through many many cold winters. You tell me, are not you felt bored, sad, unhappy, and angry in life? You have man, you must have. Then, why do not you talk about those things? Continue reading “Random Feelings without dream”

Something politically motivated!!!!

I have not written anything in my blog so many days. So, feeling like I have missed out something.
I am somewhere far from my temporary-but-usual place. People call it Hi-Tech City. Yes, Hi-Tech City of Hyderabad. Flooded with fancy buildings, fancy offices with fancy names. It has given job to many, status to many, and of course, quick bucks to many. Hi-Tech City in Hyderabad is a part of changing Hyderabad to Cyberabad.

Continue reading “Something politically motivated!!!!”

NEPAL in a New Height

It is a great pleasure for this blogger to share this News with its Readers. The date for Constituent Election (Sambidhan Sabha) has been declared in Nepal and It is going to be Mansir 6, according to Nepali Calender, i,e; November 22, 2007.

This is an election that decides the fate of ill fated monarchy in Nepal. That means, the oppressive royal regime and its coterie in Nepal can not impose their criminal, anti-social and undemocratic actions on 27 million freedom loving people. Continue reading “NEPAL in a New Height”

A Nepali Gazal-Just a try.

If you are reading my blog for quite a long time, You know that how happy I could be if I write or read Gazal in Nepali. I love my language, literature and specially Gazals written in Nepali Language. It’s not my first attempt to write Post in Nepali. Continue reading “A Nepali Gazal-Just a try.”

Travelling here and there…….

When I was not blogging in my Blog, I was not in my usual place. I went to visit some of the North Indian cities and mountains.
I love travelling and this time also, I got some oppourtunity to visit some of the places.
I went to Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal State) in India and some places there like Bhimtal, Nainital, Kausani, Almora, Kumaon, Ranikhet. When there was scorching heat in the Notrh India and even more in South, these places were pleasantly cool. Continue reading “Travelling here and there…….”

Come Back Post

I have again decided to be back in the stage, in the spectrum and once again in this complex web. That is I have decided to resume blogging again after a little stop in few months back.
I was taking a break for a while to see around, to understand the things around me and to make myself more conscious about the things that happen everyday in one corner or another. Continue reading “Come Back Post”

Finally Back again after a Long time.


This Blog Page will be updated further in this address(https://talkingforum.wordpress.com/) and not in this address (http://www.talkingforum.blogspot.com). I understand the kind of difficulty the readers of this blog face from our migration from one domain to another but I sincerely request you to condone me on this aspect. The safety of the blog and that of its contents are the primary factors, while deciding to go back to my old home, and to know the details read this Post in Details.

एउटा भनाइ नै छ नि “घुमि फिरि रुम्जाटार”। तेस्तै छ मेरो ब्लग को कहानि। मैले कहिले बाट ब्लग लेख्न सुरु गरे भन्ने जान्न त यो पढ्नु होस् तपाइले/ (https://talkingforum.wordpress.com/2006/07/26/just-a-first-post/)। कहिले यहा कहिले त्य्हा ब्लग्गिङ् गर्दै हिनेको मान्छे म। केहि समय बाट मैले आफैलै एक किसिम को इस्ट्याबिलिटि दिने ट्राइ गरे अनि ब्लूगिङ् सुरु गरे http://www.talkingforum.wordpress.com मा/

After sometime, I found Word press blog inadequate for me because of many reasons. I thought Blogspot will be handier than Word Press. One of the reasons that I moved from my WordPress to Blogspot was to insert some google adsense in my blog and to make little money, and that was not that bad decision. What is wrong if someone desires to earn little money from blogging. I also thought the same and inserted some google adsense. I could earn little more than 25 USD within a week and that was almost 3-4 USD per day. But, immediately Google Ad sense banned me on the reason that some unnecessary clicks were generated there and again was not wrong reason to ban me. 🙂 After one or two appealing processes, it was clear that I was banned and that too forever. And with that ban, my main reason to decide to move to blogspot was almost shattered.

अब केवल पैसा कै लागि मात्रै ब्लग गर्या पनि होइन यो लाईफ मा/ Google adsense ले ब्यान गरे पनि, I was determined to blog continuously and kept on blogging on any issues that may have pleased to me.

अब म र मेरो ब्लग माथि अर्को बज्रपात आइलाग्यो on Wednesday, February 28, 2007. कसैले मेरो जिमेल ह्याक गर्‍यो र मेरो ब्लग पनि /

Some derogatory and adult contents were posted there which was later removed by the hackers himself. With a lot of efforts, the gmail password and Blog was recovered on Friday, March 2, 2007 from the hackers who mailed me these passwords in my another yahoo mailbox.

After efforts from our side, we found who the hacker is. He told he hacked my gmail and blog to take a personal revenge on me on the issues when we, the hacker and I, had a scuffle on the net which was ended in a event of abusing each other.
There is a saying that you will be a lone runner in the internet even if you win, after a heated arguments. It’s better for us not to chat with many people or to get involved in unhealthy, unintellectual, and unnecessary discussions in the internet. And from that day, I have reduced the time of online chatting with people, and definitely not with them, whom I hardly know and have to never deal with.

we resolved the matter amicably and he returned all my passwords.

So, Chamatkaribaba and Team were back again and here we are.

अब के गर्ने, कसैले ब्लग नै ह्य्याक गर्‍यो भनेर ब्लगगिङ नै स्टप गर्ने कुरा पनि भएन । ब्लगिङ् त गर्नै पर्‍यो । And I am in my old blogpage भनेर मैले माथि नै भनि हाले । कुरो कसको ब्लग र कस्को जिमेल कसले हयाक्क गर्यो मात्रै हैन। कुरो Internet Security को हो यहा। कुरो Cyber Crimes को छ यहा/

The hacker when posted some adult contents in my webpage by stealing the passwords, then, it is the case of cyber crimes. It shows how vulnerable our internet system is and it must teach lesson to all of us bloggers regarding the safety of medium what we are using.

Before I would be writing on other issues, I would like to thank Blogger Nepal Diary (http://www.nepaldiary.wordpress.com/) (and some other Bloggers who helped) for extending generous support to recover the hacked blog page and email password in the time of distress.

I am focusing here on bloggers because, we most of the bloggers, are not so tech-savvy. We know very little about Network security and methods that we can employ to protect our pages from hackers. It seems that if knowledge is misutilized, hackers can do anything when they want.

In Nepal, with the evolution of BLOGAN, I could see that some of the activities that they are going to undertake are to teach the naïve Nepalese bloggers about the jargon in blogging world. How to make it? How to post it? How to moderate comments etc. etc. Then, the basic issue of security and how to protect our pages from slipping on the hands of so called hackers, and not only that but general safety measures as well, should be on the agenda of BLOGAN’s new initiatives. An ill-intention of the criminals can not be stopped at all but protective measures can be taught and learnt, I guess.

Now, amidst the tension of hacked blog, I was unable to update my blog for so many days. So, I am writing here a long post today covering almost all the measure issues of the period. There was Holi. I could not wish anyone on time but belated happy holi and I hope that everyone enjoyed well and got hit with lola and colours. J

Here, even in foreign land, that is ( परदेशमा पनि) Holi was not less interesting/entertaining than in Nepal. We throughly enjoyed it.

You can see it in the photo. I am also there but People have poured so much colour on each otherthat I am unable to recognize where I am. If you guys know, let me know hai. (ahem!!)


THERE are some of the Nepalese Job holders, jobless, Scholarship holders, self-finanncing students from Nepal gathered in a Flat. WE played in such a wild way that may be that flat has still smell of rotten eggs 🙂 and we throughly understood the plight of the house owner and anger after the Holi was over. 🙂

Now, since the security matter has pertinent bearing on the further updates of this blog, we are moving back to our Old page in WordPress. ( http://www.talkingforum.wordpress.com) This blog will not be updated since today and we request all of you to navigate from here to our old page for many more updates. When we moved from wordpress to blogspot, our feet were in air with lots of expectation and enthusiasm; J today we are going back by keeping our controlled foot on ground and with some heavy hearts. 😛 But, blogging will be a continuous effort irrespective of how many obstacles we may face on the way.

Ok, Dear friends and folks, Good Bye for today. I will be updating my blog regularly here in wordpress.com. I will be back with some photos of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India in my next blog in http://www.talkingforum.wordpress.com/