Common Nepali’s anger through various facebook images – expressing through facebook

Today Morning, When I got up and opened my facebook page, my news feed line (how do you say like twitter timeline) was full of posts and pictures and images. I could read, see and sense the people’s disappointments and angusih over the failure of Constitutional drafting process and immature death of CA! May be even the death of democracy for sometime.

There were funny posts, funny status messages but all of them representating the painful reality of this country, outlining the foolish actions of so called representatives of peoples and naturally the anguish and hatred towards these bunch of thugs – the politicians.

I am not sure what is going to happen next in Nepal? All options are being deliberated, I am sure by State agencies and ‘nikamma’ politicians. But, one thing is sure that we common man have to be more vililant while exercising our political rights and being disciplined to curb disintegrating forces which are busy in spreading hate message based on, quite a few occassion, false historica facts. I am sure that will make me more busy in my blogging and in public discourse via social networkings and forums-online.

At this post, I  have all collected all those images (copied from facebook and pasted here) that I could see in my facebook page. The images, some may be little over the top and I may not approve it in terms of my thoughts and views. Some of the images also show the Maoist’s real faces and their brutal killings in the past. This should be a lesson for common Nepali Man in the future while exercising its voting rights.However, that is how people have expressed to show their anguish and therefore, I have pasted them here without any edit (Sadly, I could not copy the caption of some of the photos) . Needless to say, I have no copyrights over these materials and it belongs to respective owners.

For more meaningful and thought provoking sensible and civilised views, keep on visiting my blog.

Freakonomics – a Book Review

I had read this book called Freakonomics sometimes back and going to review it here today. The book can be purchased from here: or from many such other online book stores. I strongly suggest you to look around in various websites before you buy as there will be varying discounts. The book is written by Steven D. Levitt, who is an Economist Professor and Stephen J. Dubner.

The book is amazing to speak in short and in few words. For those like me who want to read on plain economics without going in deep and without being distracted by calculus and quantitative analysis, the book is the one to read. For them, who know economics but do not know how to apply on our common sorroundings, the book is the one to read and ponder. Though the author takes help of the some of the mathematical tools to analyse, what he does is to apply economics principles in seemingly unrelated topics. For example, no one thinks that there is any economic rationality behind drug dealers staying with their mothers. But, the book demystifies this point says that yes there is. Think of the economic linkages between cheating primary school teachers in USA, sumo wrestlers in Japan. You cannot think of anything unless you read the book. Cheating, I mean, cheating in their profession and not in their personal lives. J

This is the greatness of the book. The Authors, one Economic Professor and other a Journalist after constantly observing, researching and applying minute principles of Economics come to the conclusion that there are economic rationality and relations between various social activities. Let us see another example and this is the first topic covered in the book and I found the most amazing among all. What is the reason of reduction in Crimes lately in US, in the decade of 1990s when there were predictions that crimes go unchecked? There were experts who told that crimes would grow but when crimes did actually reduce, then, he same experts came with various explanations like Gun Control Laws, Rise in Affluence, Population Control, and better Police in US etc. etc. These experts could not see these all when they were predicting that crimes would go unchecked but when actually crime rate got lowered, they started devising reasons for that. That may be so, they may be right but Freakonomists say that these experts are either wrong or even they are right, they are fractionally right. So, what is the main cause of crime reduction? They relate the incident of Roe v. Wade, US Supreme Court judgement which allowed the abortions legally. The Authors say that this judgement made sure that unwanted children were not born in US and mainly, the unwanted children used to get birth in poor black ghettos, and reduction of such numbers ensured that the children which were like likely to get driven to crimes were not actually born. So, US got a relief! No one saw this point before authors make a link between a US Supreme Court judgement and a crime and whose effects were to be seen after 20-25 years as the judgement made sure 20-25 years back that a child was not born who is going to be a criminal once he attains an age of 18-20 years later. What a link and what an observation.

The books keep on revealing those economic secrets that once you start, you cannot stop. I am sure that everyone who read it must have liked it. So, it became a bestseller. The greatest point about the book is the book is very simple, written in a simple language and you need not have even college level economic degree to understand it. Authors make it so simple that it is just like reading stories and nothing about economic principles. Second thins about the book is it covers such a simple topics that we wonder what economics has to do with such a mundane things. But, authors are good and very good to demonstrate us what economic link they are trying to unravel.

But, do not be confused that this is not a standard University textbook on Economics. This is not a book that you read and be economist, as one of the Authors is a Journalist here. This book does not help you to score more marks on your Economics Paper in College. But, certainly makes you wiser and takes you to the world that you start thinking for a while, if not for a longer time period. I say, a MUST Read. Enjoy Reading! And Comment here with your views.

For Official Freakonomics Blog, you can visit here and for other reviews, here, here and here.

(A Short Note: The authors were maintaining a blog with New York Times and later have published another book called Super Freakonomics, I shall review the second book shortly.)

Blogging back in the old domain

From some days, I was planning to write few blog pages and then, I got time today. I have just finished reading two books and I want to do review of them. But before that, about little information about my blogging and plan.

Mostly, I write in English. In English not because I am exceptionally good at that language but I find it comfortable to type. I have very poor skills in Nepali typing. But I like Nepali Gazals/Ghazals/Ghajals/Nepali Poem or Kabita and want to  type them in Nepali to make them meaninful.

Therefore, from few days, I was thinking that I would maintain two separate blogs – One for my usual writings in English in this page and another for my Nepali Gazals/Ghazals/Ghajals/Nepali Poem or Kabita and anything that may like to write in Nepali sometimes.

I had shifted to this page thinking that I would be able to type everything from a page but this new page does not seem to be supporting my Nepali text. There is some problem that I can not figure out and after doing some conference with my friends who are supposed to be technically good, I am not yet able to solve the problem. Therefore, going forward, my articles in Nepali will be published in this page and those in English would be published here.

What I said above was the plan till morning but later, when I thought to start the blogging, I realized that my this page is down because of exceeded bandwidth. Since restoration of page is going to take some days, for the time being for few days, I will be blogging from here.

There is a long history how I started my blogging and in the past, I have blogged here and there. Those all pages are still very dear to me. Though I have completely stopped blogging in those pages but in case you wish to visit and read my old posts, you can visit here and here .

N Keep on Reading for more!

We moved to my own personal blog!

If you are wondering these days why we are not updating this blog, please kindly note that we have got a new domain . Soon, We will be discontinuing our blogging here and will only blog at .

Please do visit us at and offer us your suggestions, if any you have.

Do not forget to read our latest article there, and please comment us whenever you feel.

Our new website uses the wordpress platform and we will do our best to make your surfing even more pleasurable.

Rajib Dahal for Talkingforum Team.

आज तेस्कै सम्झनामा। अन्तिम सुक्रबार

PART I: WRITTEN ON 6th August, 1990

आज तेस्कै सम्झनामा। अन्तिम सुक्रबार
त्यो दिन अझै मलाई याद छ। आज म त्यो दिनलाई अन्तिम सुक्रबारको नाम दिन्छु। त्यो दिन उ ओर्लियो कोटीको सडकमा। कालो शिशा भएको पहेलो बसबाट। बिच सडकमा कुद्दै गरेको हैदराबादी बसबाट ओर्लिएकोले उ हतार हतार गरेर बाटोको साइड लाग्यो। हुन पनि कती हर्न बजाका हुन है राडा राडी ले त्यो कोटिको जङ्सन्मा प्य प्या प्या एकोहोरो

उ दौडदै छेउ लाग्यो आन्ध्रा बैंकको साइडतिर। अनी लुरु लुरु हिणिरह्यो बाटोको छेवै छेउ
उ असाध्यै छिटो हिन्छ मानौ उ असाध्यै हतार मा छ। बिस्तारै त हिन्नै जान्दैन उ। जब हिन्छ उ कोटिको सडकमा आज त्यसरी उ त्यसरी नै हिड्दै छ। दाँया बाँया कतै नहेरी र केही नसुनी।

एकमन ता बोलाउ की जस्तो लाग्यो उस्लाई तर बोलाइन के सुन्दो होला र भनेर। तेसै त मान्छे नै एस्तो छ कि उ हतार मा छ भने उ ता हत्तपत्ती कसैलाई हेर्दा पनि हेर्दैन र चिन्दा पनि चिन्दैन।

फेरी अस्ती हाम्रो कोठामा केटाहरुको चिया धेरै थोरै भएको नाथे कुरोमा झगडा भये पछी ता उस्ले म सग पटक्कै कुरा गर्नै छोडेकोछ। उ भन्छ रे त्यो झगडामा मैले कुनाल लाई सप्पोर्ट् गरे रे। नाथे झुशी कुरामा पनि के झगडा गर्न जानेका हुन केटा हरुले।

मलाई याद छ। त्यो केटो हैदराबाद आउँदा कस्तो थियो। उमेर मा उ म भन्दा जेठो भयेपनि मलाई दाजु भन्थ्यो अनी मैले पनि उस्लाई भाई नै जस्तो मानेको थिए। तर आज सम्झन्छु ति अतित का दिन हरु लाई।।।।।।

एक्छीन सम्म हेरीरहे उस्लाई केही पर पुगुन्जेल तर त्य्स पस्चात् त्यो मानब सागर मा हरायो। म पनि वोमन कलेज को साइड नै साइड लागेर अफ्जाल्गन्ज हुँदै चारमिनार तर्फ लागे नमाज पढ्न भनेर. फेरी आफ्रीन लाई पनि त भेट्नु पर्नेथ्यो।।। लागे हतार हतार गरेर।

त्यो अन्तिम दिनथियो। त्य्सपछी उस्लाई मैले कहिले पनि देखिन. न ता सुने नै उस्को बारेमा। हिजो बेलुका फर्बिसगन्ज मा भेट भयो मेरो नवलपरासी का पुराना मित्र रामरोशन जि सग। राम रोशन जि भन्दै थिए उ अहिले सिक्किम मा छ रे। सोच्छु के गर्दै होला त्यो केटो। आज तेस्कै सम्झनामा। 

PART II: Written on 10th August, 1991 and added some postscript on 10th August, 2010
मेरो माथिको सत्यता मा आधारित् छोटो निबन्धलाई लिएर धेरै धम्कियुक्त कल र ईमेल हरु प्राप्त भएका छन। साथै धेरै जना साथी हरुको जिज्ञासा ले भरिएको मेल हरु पनि प्राप्त भएका छन। मुख्यता ति मेल हरु को बिषयबस्तु यो निब्न्ध कस्को बारेमा लेखिएको हो भन्ने मा आधारित् छ। साथी हरुको तिनै जिज्ञासा शान्त पार्न यो दुई चार शब्द थपेको छु। 

कुरो तेस्तै सन १९९० को हो। म हैदराबाद्को मौलाना आजाद उर्दु विश्वाबिद्यालयमा हिन्दी साहित्यमा एमए गर्दै थिए। त्य्स बखत हामी धेरै साथी हरु सगै बस्थीउ। केही साथी हरु जस्लाई म सम्झन्छु ति जमाना का- तिनिहरु थिए सौरभ ज्ञानी भट्ट ‘हावा’ , अमिताव चौधरी, आमुल्चन्द्र टपोरी, अशोक चभ्हन, बिशेष ‘स्वदेशी’ बिदेश पुरी, दिपक ‘किपर’ यादव,सुजित वीर बिक्रम शाह, सुनिल थापा कुमार चौधरी, कुनाल मुनाल शाह तेली, दिपक तेली शाह, ब्रोजेश कुमार ‘जी’ भित्र, राम रोशन ‘मनविलास’ शाह, र पवन्कुमार चाम्लिङ आदी। धेरै को ता नाम पनि भुली सके। 

म १९९० मा एमए को दोश्रो बर्ष मा थिए। तेस बखत साथी हरु को बिच्मा सामान्य मन मुटाव र झगडा भै नै रहन्थ्यो – झगडा हुनुका मुल कारण हरु टाइम मा खाना नबनाउनु, आफ्नो पालोमा खाना नबनाउनु, साथीको पैसा लगेर समयमा फिर्ता नगरनु, केटी लाई लिएर फिल्म हेर्न जान पैसा हुनु तर साथी लाई तिर्न नहुनु र तेस्ताइ चिया धेरै थोरै हुनु आदी थिए। 

मैले माथिको निबन्ध १९९० मा जब पवन्कुमार चाम्लिङ लाई देखे तेसै बखत लेखेको हो। तर यो मेरो पुरानो डैरी मै लुकेको थियो। १९९१ मा बनारस फर्किए। हिन्दी मा बनारस हिन्दू विश्वाबिद्यालय बाट पिआच्डी (बिध्यबरिधी) गर्ने मौका पाएर। तेस बखत मूगलसरए मा भएको पचासौ हिन्दी भाषा सम्मेलन मा भाग लिने क्रम हुँदै रिसर्च को लागि फर्बिस्गन्ज जादा मेरो राम रोशन ‘मनविलास’ शाह सग भेट भएको हो। उहाले नै मलाई पवन्कुमार सिक्किम गयो भनेर सुनाउनु भयो।

मैले १९९३ मा मेरो बिद्यावारीधी समाप्त भये पस्चात सिमला बाट प्रकासीत हुने ‘दल्हौजी केसरी’ भन्ने हिन्दी पत्रीका को सम्पादक भएर काम गर्ने मौका पाए। सन २००० सम्म तेसै पत्रीकामा काम गरे पछि सरकार द्वारा मलाई सन २००० मा चन्दिगढ मा खुलेको राष्ट्रिय हिन्दी विश्वाबिद्यालय को डिनमा नियुक्ती गरीयो। आज सन २०१० मा सो विश्वाबिधयलय ले १० बर्ष पुरा गरेको खुशीमा हामीले ‘पठानकोट जर्नल’ निकालेका छौ। तेही जर्नल बाट केही अंश माथि प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ। 
यो कुरा याद रहोस् कि यो निबन्ध मा भएका सबै ब्यक्ती को नाम जिवित ब्यक्ती हरुको हो। यो नाम कसै सग मिल्न ठ्यक्कै मिल्न गएमा 
सम्योग मानिने छैन। तर यि नामहरु कसैको नाम सग नमिलेको तर सुने जस्तो जस्तो अथवा मिले मिले जस्तो लगेमा केवल सम्योग मात्रै हुनेछ। यो लघु निबन्ध पहिले हिन्दी मा ‘पठानकोट जर्नल’मा प्रकासित् भएको हो। यस्लाई नेपाली मा अनुवाद गर्न सहयोग गर्ने मेरी पिए तिखी ‘कुमारी’ सिँघ बहिनी धन्यवादकी पात्र छीन।

Nepali Gazal, kabita(नेपाली साहित्य, कबिता र गजल)-1

This is a Nepali Poem/Gazal/ gajal written by myself. I do not know much about Gazal/Ghazal/गजल but shall try whenever I have time. I like writing Nepali and English Poems and reading them and गजलis one of such areas which attracts my interests. In my other blogs, there are other Poem/Gazal/ गजल. In case you also write Poem/Gazal/ गजल , then, you can send them to me, I will publish them in my blog. I am grateful to my all the readers for reading my Nepali Poem/Gazal/ गजल.

As I said above, I like Nepali Poem(kabita) and Nepali Gazals(Poem/Gazal/ गजल), I will be posting here some more Poem/Gazal/ गजल when I have time. You can also send me your Poems and Nepali Gazals.

Literature is such an interesting thing in Life and our Nepali literature is also very rich. Just We need to do is keep on Contributing to this field.

नेपाली साहित्य, कबिता र गजल मन पराउने साथी हरुलाई तल को कबिता/Poem/Gazal/ गजल प्रस्तुत गरेको छु। तपाईं पनि यदी नेपाली गजल मन पराउनु हुन्छ भने यो ब्लग हेर्दैइ गर्नु होला। मेरो ब्लग मा पालिदिनु भएकोमा धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद।

धेरै आएन, अहिले लाई दुई लाइन। बाँकी पछी बढाउला.

मेरो घरको आगनी मा मैले तुलशी रोपेको छु
तिम्रो नाम तिम्रो चित्र मेरो मनमा खोपेकोछु

This post has been tagged under Nepali kabita, Nepali gazal, नेपाली साहित्य, Nepali kabita haru, Nepali Gazals, नेपाली कबिता, nepali gazals, nepaligazal, नेपाली गजल, and gazal.

What I have not done yet-II

Yesterday, when I was writing on this topic, the post was going long and long. There were so many things to tell. I just could not write on the topic. So, I am, today, adding some of the things on some of I have done or not yet series. The first part of the post can be read here:

Read my first post above if you want to know the background of this blogpost.

  1. Owned a camera. (Not even analog once): I own a camera now. I do not know much of technical about camera like lens and zoom. It is canon one and with 10 Mega pixel is all I can say about it. And it is digital camera, I guess. I mean I do not know much difference about Digital and Analog stuffs.  When I was student, I had a camera where I had to load reel/negative/silver photo materials (I do not know how to say) and that I bought around 2004 end. That camera just got damaged without clicking many photos. That camera was bought something for INR 1000 at that time and last time, it worked was in 2005 December-2006, January ICCR Tour. In the middle of the tour, when we were in Pondicherry’s rocky beach, it stopped working. I thought that I repair but never got time and never shown any enthusiasm. In 2008 May, when I had to leave my university hostel, I hanged that camera on a branch of a small plant that was outside my room. It still looked a new one and was hanging in a black case. The camera was black then. And now, it is silver colour with silver case.

When I think of Camera, I, and many friends from Hyderabad including me, must thank Sweta and Sajiva for their kind heart for allowing us to use their cameras. In early 2008-09, Sweta had, I am sure She still has, a very sophisticated Sony camera and Sajiva too had a good one. Till 2009 February, when I bought my first digital camera, we all friends in Hyderabad clicked numerous photos from Sweta’s and Sajiva’s cameras.

  1. Climbed on any high speed elevator:

I do not remember. May be I have not. But high speed? Which speed is high speed? Just normal lifts, and elevator, and those moving stairs etc. are only something that I have used.

  1. Had a buffet lunch/dinner.

Yes. I have had. I love them. I find them cheaper and easy to eat. No need to worry about what to choose from menu, and what to eat  and bill may come too much. Office lunches and dinner in office parties are more frequent and then of course, have eaten in weekend especial lunches. I think this is too much on a simple topic. J

  1. Used Linux.

Yes. I have used. I used Linux in my University’s Internet Center. It did not have dual operating and had completely Linux. It was difficult in initial few days but soon, we got used to it and many liked it. I think Firefox Mozilla has some connection with Linux? Am I right? Just wanted to say that Mozilla is wonderful browser alongwith its many add-on features.

  1. Owned any Smartphone.

What is that? I have no idea about smart phone. Is it something like iPhone or Blackberry? I am not so fortunate yet to possess these hi-fi gadgets.

I have my Nokia Phone. I am not aware of its model. Has a small useless camera. It says two mega pixel on its back side, a radio/fm facility which does not work after 2008 December (did not work after 5 months of purchase, but never went to repair that fm/radio thingee), can play music but headphone does not work after radio stopped working. Thanx god! I can receive and send sms and can receive and make calls till date. So, I still carry that. I must thank Ashok and his HSBC Credit card as he extended interest free loan facility to me to buy this mobile when I had just joined my job. For the clean record, I did not default on payment of loan back and paid within next six months converting it to an EMI facility with HSBC Bank.

This is my fourth phone in my life after I bought my first mobile in 2003. For the story of rest of the phone, Someday, somewhere in some later posts.

  1. Been on a plane in Nepal

I have never taken domestic plane within Nepal. I have travelled out of Nepal to India, within India and, outside from India.

  1. Been to any Nepali Airport

Sometimes in 1993-1997, I have been to Bhadrapur Airport in Jhapa many many times to see plane. There used to come RNAC (at that time, now, I believe it is called Nepal Airlines Corporation ‘NAC’ after ditching ‘Royal’ but Indian Airport especially like Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi still displays Royal Nepal Airlines on its Departure/Arrival Display Board), Necon Air and we all used to gather near the airport office to see plane landing and taking off. There used to come something like 2-3 planes everyday and when I was in class 7 and 8, my school was 1 km away from airport and sometimes, when we used to hear plane coming sound big huwwwwwwaaaaaaahhhhhh like sound, we could run and reach there to see landed plane but still moving on the ground. After 20-30 minutes, it used to take off. Since the airport was near CDO’s office, DEO’s Office and MALPOT (Land Revenue Office), there used to be sizeable number of people gathered who have come from outside District Headquarters. They came for some other work but went back home with satisfying smile after seeing plane on the ground, as they used to have seen plane only flying in sky.

In India as a part of my journey, I have been to Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Visakhapatnam and Goa, Delhi’s domestic and international airports and in Bagdogra, Siliguri in West Bengal. Soon, I will be in Guhati Airport in my transit, about that later in some posts in details. I have been to another International Airport (Not in Nepal and India, and about that later when I will be able to tell openly where I went)

About Nepalese Airport, I must comment about Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) which I have crossed when I went to Nepal and came from Nepal. I was really shocked and sad to see the shape and status of that place. I have not seen many great airports but after looking 3-4 airports of India, I realised how bad impression TIA can give to the tourists. I felt pity on myself and those many tourists who fortunately travel to our country. TIA tells enough how poor Nepal is! SAD BUT TRUE.

Regarding Airports, I have visited Indira Gandhi International and Domestic Airports in New Delhi many times to receive my friends and to see them off. In fact, I feel I am thoroughly aware of things that are there in that airport and I like their free Internet Kiosks maintained by Airtel when I do not have laptop to access their wireless internet connection.

  1. Had an ICQ Account: What is this? I do not know. That means I do not have. I did not bother to Google as this second post also is going on and on.
  1. Neither used IRC: Not any more comments on this. Same comment as above.

For both the points in H & I, I think Aakarpost or someone else has written that he does not have hotmail or msn or something like that. So, I gathered that ICQ and IRC are something like email service providers or something to do with internet. It is possible that I might be horribly wrong.

  1. Had a credit card.

Yes. I have Credit Cards. Quite a few by now.

The first credit card I got was in 2008, must be somewhere by November, after I joined job in 2008 June. That Card of HSBC I applied through my office. And Second Card I received in 2010 when I applied myself through telesales agents.

The story of Debit/ATM Card is interesting. The first Card I received somewhere in 2006 from Indian Bank. The Card is going to expire in 2010 December and I maintain still some balance with Indian Bank. I need to withdraw that small amount of money from Indian Bank before the card expires. But, I will never close that Bank Account as it is my first bank account in India. J

Our University was located 30 Kms from main city. The Bank used to come to University on even working days as the Bank’s nearest branch office was in City. Initially, we deposited our money when bank came to University on the day of admission in 2003. We were given passbook but no cheques. When we wanted to withdraw money, we had to use slips available there in the one room crowded bank counter. These slips used to be carried by these bank employees. If we needed money on the day bank did not come to University, we had to travel to City and withdraw money by using slips available in the Bank Counter. So, when we received DEBIT CUM ATM CARD for the first time in 2006, our life became much easier. We could go to any ATMs in the city and withdraw money by paying small fee. By now, the number of ATM Cards also grew rather unnecessarily, sometimes making difficult to remember all the PIN Numbers.

  1. Celebrated my Birthday

No. I think I have never celebrated my birthday. I do not remember this but I do not like this concept of celebrating birthday. It is a waste of money, isn’t it?

In office, in month end, there will be celebration of birthday of all employees whose birthday falls within that month. I spent my two birthday month in my office life but was unavailable in the celebration day, may be was out because of some clients’ works.

  1. Received gift ever from anyone ( someone send me  )

I have received gifts from people but very rarely. You can send me.

What I have done or not yet!

There is a wave going in Nepalese blog world to tell the world what the individual blogger has done or has never done in his life. The trend was first started by Tajim (it seems as Wagle and Aakar also say in their posts), and now followed by many including me. You can read other bloggers’ take on the topic in their respective blogs in given links.

As I see Tajim’s blog today, I can see that he had very simple things in mind and his post was written with not much fanfare but it seems that we other bloggers while emulating him have tried to give some more color to the topic. All credit should go to Tajim for this innovative idea, (to me, it was really innovative) and was very nice to read other people’s views about their ‘nevers’ and etc. Now, I am joining the bandwagon here.

Before I start cribbing something on the point, let me borrow some words from a blog which I visited for the first time today. I saw through my facebook page that there is a fellow blogger maintaining blog at and I have borrowed her words to start my blog with.

“I am while browsing the blogs of my co-bloggers, I read this post published by Aakar today. I also found that not only Aakar but also Tajim (Actually, it was Tajim’s witty idea of confession), Anbika and Dinesh Wagle (the same wagle whom I have referred above) have posted this type of confessions in their respective blogs.

All these posts inspired me to have something like that with my descriptions. My heartily thanks goes to Tajim, Aakar, Anbika and Dinesh Wagle, for inspiring me to write this (and to Sadhana Sharma, says Chamatkaribaba). As everyone else, I am also borrowing the titles from Tajim’s post”

Above in Quote has been borrowed from:

Now, below starts my story:

  1. 1. Seen an Ocean

Yes, I have seen the Ocean, or you can call them seas. I am in India from 2003 and first time saw sea/ocean in 2005 November in Kerala, Kochin City. The sea beach was not great. I had very little time to visit as I had gone to Kerala to participate in one Moot Court Competition by representing my University. Thereafter, in 2005 December-January, 2006, I went to ICCR Tour and could visit Marina Beach in Chennai, and some other Beach in Tamilnadu Chennai, and then in Pondicherry (two beaches – one sandy and one rocky in main town), and then in Kanyakumari meetings of Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and Dirty Bay of Bengal, as we were told. I think in the same year 2006, when we had gone to Tirupati Balaji Temple in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh; I, along with my friends Kul Chandra and Ashok Kahar decided to go to Chennai, Tamilnadu and took four hours long train journey from Tirupati to Chennai and went again to Marina Beach.

In my original post, I had forgotten this incident that In 2008 October, when I was at Tie-School in Bombay (some kind of internal training for new joinees in the company), I saw Arabic Ocean again from Gateway of India just standing in front of Taj which was attacked after a month!

From 2006, I could go to beach again only in 2009 November when I went to Goa with my friends from Pune, Bombay, Bangalore and I from Hyderabad. There I visited Calangute, Vagator, Anjuna and Baga Beaches (all north beach). Again, in 2010 March, When I went to Goa, I visited many beaches from both North and South. In north, again, Anjuna, Baga, Vagator, Candolim, and Calangute and in South Colva, Agonda and Palolem. Thereafter I got a chance to visit Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh in July, 2010, where I could see R.K (Radha Krishna) Beach and Rishi Konda (I am not so sure about this Name) Beach. And, recently in first week of August, I went to Jagganath Puri Temple in Orissa, and went Puri and Konark Beaches golden beach Private beach of my resort, and Chandra Bhaga Beach. All were nice but I found Orissa beaches less interesting. So, to conclude, I have seen Ocean/Seas – Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Black watered Bay of Bengal.

Every time, I go to beach; I feel so good. I feel so great seeing the calm beach and the tides over there. Walking on the beach in the morning or in the evening is immensely satisfying to me.

  1. 2. Been to a swimming pool

I have been to swimming pool. Yea, many times but never gone inside it. No, Never. I do not know how to swim. So, wherever I go where there is Swimming Pool, mostly in Hotels and Resorts. I just go near it, see the blue water (because of blue painting of bottom of pool), and feel good and come back. So, I have gone to swimming pool but never taken a dip into water.

  1. 3. Flown Overseas

Yes, I should say. I first took plane journey in 2003 when I had to come to India. I still remember that day. I took Indian Airlines from Kathmandu to New Delhi and then from New Delhi to Hyderabad by Jet Airways. There was a two hours gap in between these two flights in Delhi and I utilised this time by going from International Airport to Domestic Airport. After that, I have travelled New Delhi – Kathmandu route two three times as I rarely go to Kathmandu. To go home, my most preferred destination is New Delhi – Bagdogra. When I have to talk of flying overseas (by overseas! I understand foreign country), I have travelled from Delhi to capital City of another country last year in 2009 July, which for the time being is a secret and will disclose when time comes. So, to conclude, foreign trip by air is YES!

  1. 4. Traveled on the roof of a moving bus

Yes, Of Course many times. I remember Wagle’s words on this. He has said something similar that if you are in Nepal, how you have not travelled on the open roof of the bus? So far as I remember, I have travelled on open roof of bus many many times and started travelling from way back in 1990-91 when I was only 6-7 years old. What to do when Nepal was not and is not so developed and transportation is not still so easy in many places. When I had to go to my paternal grandfather’s home in Topagachhi, Jhapa from my home town Damak, I had to travel many times on open roof of bus.

Among those travels, I remember a recent one- recent only that I did 2 years back in 2008, May. I completed my University education and was going home from Hyderabad via New Delhi. Just finished student’s life and did not have job and no money, so decided to take bus from Delhi to Kathmandu but get down in Narayanghat/Narayangadh in Nepal and take bus from there to Kakarvitta, Jhapa. I got a ticket from Delhi and as planned and reached Narayanghat but was a very hectic journey. Then, there I knew that there was a strike going on in Eastern Nepal for the past 7 -10 days. The strike was not political. Something happened that one guy was knocked down by a vehicle and his relatives asked for 25 lakhs or something compensation, which the vehicle owner refused and the relatives and villagers of deceased started protesting and did not allow any transportation. When I reached there at 5 PM in the evening, I realized that. There were many people waiting for the buses which go to east amid unconfirmed reports that the strikes has been called off. Finally, it was confirmed news that strike has been called off and buses started appearing at 11 PM in the night. All buses were full and crowded and refused to stop and finally, a bus that stopped which was going to the place called ‘Kanchanpur’ that was 200kms far from my house and that was a far distance. Still, I took that bus along with many people and I got a seat on the open roof. It started raining in the night and I had to cover myself by some plastics in that night. J Sounds so cool! Huh! Though the bus was supposed to go till ‘Kanchanpur’, next day, it could crawl till ‘Lahan’ only some 100kms from ‘Kanchanpur’. Again, 11 AM next day, I caught another bus and again got seat only on the rooftop and reached my hometown at 5PM in Damak. Now, U say me can we live in Nepal without travelling like this?

  1. 5. Never Jumped out of a plane or a bridge (Bungee **Scary**)

I have never done this. I love to do bungee though I am scared, I know. I think I can gather all my courage and do bungee jumping. When I was in Goa, I wanted to do some water sports, which they are popularly called there. But, it was expensive the one where you have parachute kind of thing on your back and you will be up in the air and you will be tied with a boat by a long rope and you move in the direction of boat. It was of short duration and was expensive. I am looking to do for some para gliding but lack of training, even basic and not so suitable opportunities till date.

Regarding jumping out of a plane, I wish I never have to do, and have never done before.

  1. 6. Never touched Snow – the real one, not that which is made in a fridge.

This one thing I have not done yet. Had never seen natural snow, and touched it. Wish I can do it soon.

  1. 7. Seen a 3D Movie

Never. Not yet. I do not know what threeD movie is. I presume movie with special effects where they give you special spectacles. Is it? I am not sure. I do not even know which movie is 3D and which is not. When I was in Kathmandu this time in June, my brother was telling me that there is 4D Hall/Theatre being constructed and technology is so developed in Nepal. I did not understand but just said ohhhh….  J

  1. 8. Seen an Imax Movie

What is IMAX movie? Is it movie in IMAX theatre? Or are there special IMAX movies? I have seen movies in India’s good theatres like IMAX, Inox, PVR, Big Cinemas, and Cinemax etc etc. But, if there is something called Imax Movie, then, I may not have. U decide, please.

  1. 9. Been on a roller coaster

Last year, in 2009 July, I was with my friend. She and I did small roller coaster ride. She was naturally afraid of that. That was a very small one mainly intended for kids. N then, I saw another, a big and long roller coaster. I wished she and I had done that but she was scared and I did not go alone. This second one was amazing a long one and from top of hills to down, and frankly speaking looked little scary to me as well. J

  1. 10. Never Smoked

Unfortunately, I have smoked. I have smoked regular cigarettes, local bidis and sometimes cigarettes filled with ganja/hashish/marijuana, or whatever you call it those local stuffs you get in village. BUT, But, I qualify to be non-smoker. To my record, I had last smoked may be 20-24 months back. Or maybe 3 years back. I have never bought any of those things for me. It’s only when I get free of cost J and if my fellow friends are smoking……….just for a style. Just to try one ‘puff’ or ‘two’….and I know and suggest that Smoking is bad for health. Just stay away!

  1. 11. Never gone Serious Trekking

Never. Never got any such opportunity. If you can call it a trekking, when I went to visit Dalhousie in Himachal Pradesh, something like 15-20 Kms we walked in forests and hills for half day, if that qualifies to be trekking but I think I have not seriously trekked anywhere.

  1. 12. Never visited a dentist

Not for me. But, I visited Positive Dental Hospital with my flat mate Laxman Kumar for his check up few months back.

  1. 13. Been to a Gym

Yes. First time in 2001 or 2002 in Kathmandu, somewhere near Purano Baneshwor. There is another funny story how I joined there but this post is already so long that I will write that some other day in some other post. Later, I joined one gym in Hyderabad 2003-2005, and from 2003-05, I was going to my University’s gym also on ‘on and off basis’. Later, I got a small lump of muscle on my right hand, which I still have sometimes (sometimes, it appears and disappears) , and as per Doctor’s advice, stopped lifting anything heavy.

  1. 14. Seen a Lion or Tiger

I have seen something in JawalaKhel Zoo. I am not sure it was lion or tiger. And then, I think, I am not so sure that I saw something in Jawaharlal Neharu Zoological Park in Hyderabad in 2003 when I had visited that at that time. I think, again not sure, in 2007 May, when I was in Nainital Tour, I saw something- either lion or tiger. So, whatever was/is there is JawalaKhel Zoo that I have seen for sure.

  1. 15. gone to any serious forest/jungle

Yes, I have been too. In childhood, we used to collect wooden stuffs from Chuli Jungle in eastern Nepal, Ilam (Mahabharata range/ Chure Bhawar Chhetra) as wood was the source of fuel for cooking. Later, I stayed with my maternal grandparents in the place called Puhatubari, Chandragadhi, Jhapa and the home was just a kilometer far from deep Charali Forests. I used to go to jungle for wood, grass for animals, picnics, and as a cowherd with many many cows in the morning and used to come back in the evening with them. I miss that time when my friend Sibu Bogati and I used to chase many many monkeys—small to big, baby to parents and we loved chasing those groups of 100 to 200 monkeys. Those monkeys never attacked back and we were never afraid.

Now, if I see one monkey, I am not that confident of saving myself from it than before J

  1. 16. Applied for US Diversity VISA

Yes, many times, may be 3-4 times previously. Last year, I did not apply. I was just lazy and was in Goa when it was the last day and one of my friends, Kul Chandra kept on constantly calling me, reminding me and saying me that I should fill. But, from this year, I have promised to myself that I will fill DV form each year from this year onwards till the time I do not get any kind of Visa to US or Nepal disqualifies after sending more than 50,000 people, whichever happens earlier.

  1. 17. Gone more than 6 months in any serious day job

Yes. The work I am doing now is my first job in life. I am working in the same organization for the past more than 2 years, from June 9, 2008.

  1. 18. Never seen any Himesh Reshammiya Movie (this one for Bollywood Fans)

I have never done this. I have heard his songs. Some of them are nice and were hits at that time. I know he has acted in some movies but I have not watched and will not watch unless someone gives me CD or movie. If I get from source, I may watch it.

  1. 19. Never been to any underground concerts

Underground concerts?? Never heard. I have only heard something on open ground, or on stadium or on big auditorium. I have attended two concerts in my life- one by Indian Ocean’s concert in my university in 2004-05; another was Rock Yatra by 1974 AD in Dasarath Stadium in 2001-02. N I loved that concert of 2001-02. I can say I grew up watching that concert. Another concert was there in my University in 2006-07 by JAL BAND from Pakistan. I did not attend it but went to friend’s place in Hyderabad City. I, now, wish I should have attended that.

  1. 20. Been to a discotheque

Twice or thrice, I have been to such places. Once in Kathmandu, and rest in India. These places never entice me. And I really do not understand why people go there, why I went there. I do not think I ever go again to these kinds of places………frankly speaking, waste of money J

  1. 21. Never been to top floor of any high rise building

High Rise? How many floor building? 6-7? I went to one hotel/restaurant located at 25th floor but it was not top of that building and view outside looked nice from windows. J

I have been to top of only those buildings which have 6-7 floors.

  1. 22. Met a Chinese

As a passerby, may be many. But, I had one Chinese friend in India called John. He is my facebook friend now. He was very interesting and his speaking way was funny like all Chinese!

  1. 23. Seen an actual theater play

Never. This is something I want to see.

  1. 24. Drank Beer

Yes. Sometimes. In office parties. Not only beer, I have tasted other stuffs also, different brand and varieties. But, I find lassie (Indian sweet curd), Tea and Lemon Water or Sarbat or anything non-alcoholic much much better than these alcoholic products. To borrow another blogger’s words, “I cannot imagine why people like to drink such bitter thing”

  1. 25. Been on TV Camera

In 2001-02, there was a competition by UNICEF to write about how to make world better place for youth. I also wrote something and participated in that competition and was shortlisted among 5 finalists. If I had become first, I would go to New York with PM Sher Bahadur Deuba at that time to participate in some UN Conference and to tell about youth’s problems. But, I became second is what Sushma (who hosted “Sathi Sanga Manka Kura” Programme at that time) told to my brother Rewati through telephone when I was not in home. They had taken short two minutes interviews of us – 5 finalists and shown by Nepal Television after “AAth bajeko Samachar” which I could not see myself as I did not have TV at that time in my room in Kathmandu. But, many of my friends and relatives watched it and remembered the incident. I could never watch. In my University, when I was in Hyderabad, local TV Channels came sometimes and interviewed us – foreign students regarding how, and why we came to India. They did shooting and must have telecasted in their local ‘Telugu’ language but I never saw. So, at least faced camera twice or thrice but have never seen my acting! J

  1. 26. Never had a Boyfriend

Yes, I never had boyfriend. If you talk of girlfriend, Yes, I have a one! J Who is she?? Is something I can hear around now.

  1. 27. Never been admitted in a hospital.

Thanx God!

Nepal and Foreign Currency Issues

I had written a post here sometimes back. The post was titled as “India and Foreign Currency Conversion”. There, in that post, I had promised at the bottom of the post that I would write something about Foreign Currency issues and conversion related matters on coming days.

Therefore, here it goes-something about Nepal and Nepal’s foreign currency related laws. First of all, to be frank with you, I do not know anything about foreign currency law of Nepal. So, what I am going to write is my experience of almost six years back. This issue is being talked here in the light of difficulties that we face in India to convert your Indian money to foreign currency from Nationalised or Private Banks. If you have already read my earlier post about India, You will know by this time that it is very very easy to get your Indian currency converted to US Dollar or other recognised foreign currency in private open market albeit the rate might be different from what Reserve Bank of India would prescribe.

In this background note, I am talking experience from Nepal. The story is of 2003 June. First time, I was on a foreign tour/trip. For the first time, I was stepping out of my country and was heading to foreign territory. The Country of destination was India :), the foreign land where I was venturing to.

I knew that Nepalese Currency is of no use in India. I required either Indian currency or USD or something like that. At that time, I did not know much about forex law of Nepal and how to get foreign currency. First of all, I was not sure which currency to get or some kind of cards.

Problem in Nepal is that Rs. 500, and Rs. 1000 currency notes of India are not legally recognized. So, if I wanted those notes, I had to contact some businessmen of Terai and I did not have much time to do so. Another problem was that I did not want to do something illegal which may put me in some kind of trouble in the Airport-Tribhuwan International Airport. Now, legally, the problem was that I could get only Rs. 100 Indian currency and at that time, I was carrying something around 50,000 INR. First time, I was travelling to India and I did not know how much money I need and to get 100 Rs. currency note for that amount would make me to carry a big bunch of papers. I was little irritated with this idea.

My brother had suggested me to make Traveller’s Cheque, which he himself did not know what was that and neither I had any damn idea of what’s that. I thought I should contact with Bank people itself. Then, I visited to Everest Bank, in New Baneshwor where I had maintained my Savings Accounts at that time. I went to Bank told them that I am going to India and asked them to suggest what is the best method to carry some money.

They had only one suggestion-get Indian currency from us and go. I inquired about Traveller’s Cheque, Debit and Credit Card. They had low opinion about India and said me it’s not worth of doing any such things. They asked me about the city where I am heading to, and I said Hyderabad. From their facial expression that they had very low opinion about Hyderabad and in a manner of contempt to this place, said there it will be difficult for you if you do not have hard cash. I myself, did not know much about this place, and did what they suggested. I gave my Nepalese Currency and they gave Indian Currency-bunch of INR 100. The conversion rate was same as it is today as Nepalese currency is pegged with Indian Currency. N I headed to India with inner pockets of pants and shirts filled with Indian currency bunch.

In Nepal’s International Airport, while frisking my body, a policeman asked what’s there? I said-money, Indian Currency. He further said that he does not think that I have 500 INR currency note and I affirmed his thoughts. He said me to move and I moved. That’s all about my experience.

Now, let me add little more of my story before I conclude this. That day, the trip was in many ways a new for me. First foreign trip as already said, first time, I went to any International Airport and first time, I was traveling by Plane, among others. My sister Minu and Brother Rewati Raman Pokhrel came to Airport to see me off. We used to stay in Babarmahal Area and we took bus. There was no need of taking taxi. My sister had recently passed Nepal Telecommunication’s Exam and she had training in Kathmandu at that time. She skipped the half’s day training and came to see me off.

I will write more on this later. Keep on reading !!!

India and Foreign Currency Conversion

The Post is little longer. U can take many rest while reading it.

This is not any apocryphal story. Let me put in this blog some stories which represent the hard times that people face in this country. One of the story that represent our hard times in India is getting foreign exchange from Banks. I am writing about some experience faced by my friend and me in recent years.

These are some of the old experiences that I had around 2007 and 2008. In 2009 also, one of my friends told that he had the same experience like me and my other friend way back in 2007 and 2008. So, I am writing this piece as my experience in India regarding the problems of converting Indian Currency to Foreign Exchange- US Dollars.

In Connaught Place New Delhi, almost all the shops there are brokers for foreign exchange. They are, in my opinion, authorized people to deal with forex. The rate of these people will be slightly different from the nationalized banks has to offer. They buy US Dollar by giving you less amount than nationalized bank has to give; and charge you little higher Indian Currency if you want to buy US Dollar. So, You may think why not to go to Banks? – nationalized banks and private banks where you get slightly better rates?

Same we thought- back in 2007, also in 2008 and again in 2009. However, we fail to understand why these banks are reluctant to sell USD to you. Why do they need so many documents from you so that at last, you give up the idea of buying/selling forex? If legally, these many documents are required, then, are these people who buy and sell forex in all those blocks around Connaught place are doing business illegally? These people are not doing business in the dark. They are buying and selling USD in open market and does not seem to be doing any illegal business.

Then, it must be that our government has such an archaic rules which can not be understood by general public. I tell you the story of 2007 and at that time in Pune, we had to sell around 400 USD. We approached a shop dealing with forex. They easily gave us Indian Currency, took Xerox of our Passports, and took two print-outs of the receipts. They signed one of the receipts and gave to us. They retained another receipt with noting our passport number there and issuing country.

That’s all. The process was over by then.

Later, in Delhi, in 2008, we approached to Punjab National Bank in Connaught Place, New Delhi. Since my friend was leaving to her country, she had to change some only 2000 Indian currencies. Punjab National Bank gave us a simple answer that since the amount is small; you better convert it in Airport itself. We understood that it can not happen here now and headed to Indira Gandhi Airport, New Delhi. There inside, after security check up, it was converted. Interestingly, if you convert your Indian money to US Dollar in Airport, you have to pay much higher amount for each dollar. And if you convert Dollar to Indian currency, you get much less Rupees. And that day, I realized how difficult it will be to buy and sell USD from Indian Banks in India.

But, that is an iceberg of a problem- real problem that happened in 2009 makes you realize really how difficult the problem is.

Now, let me tell you the problem of my friend that was faced in 2009. He has account with Indian Bank, State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, ICICI Bank and HSBC Bank.

This is interesting to mention here that he has his savings and credit card accounts in so many banks as he will be asked by almost all the banks whether he has account with that bank. Let me start a story with an ICICI Bank’s one of the branches in Cannaught Place in New Delhi.

There, he made a good effort to explain his problems and what services he expected from the bank employees. And, those bank employees made no efforts even to hear him. The bank was so crowded, and there were many people and the voices of my friend just created another cacophony in that group. Shortly, he gave up and opened the door and walked out.

There are many banks in Cannaught Place and my friend simply did not seem to be worried by the service of ICICI bank. If not this bank, there is another was in his mind.

Now, on the way, He saw another bank- he does not remember the name, either it was Standard Chartered bank or something called American Express. He tried to enter and on the gate the security guard stopped him. He thought they wanted to frisk him for security purpose. But the guard asks him why he wants to go inside. He answered for what he had come there.

The Security guard told him he can not get this service there, and immediately noted some Forex broker’s address on the paper and handed to my friend. The guard told to name of the bank, and told my friend to say that he has been referred by that bank-may be Standard Charted Bank. My friend got surprised, stunned and left the place fuming, and tearing that piece of paper. He could see thousands of brokers on the way and did not need any reference and address from anyone, much less from security guards of a bank where he was not allowed to enter.

And then, he moved. On the way, he saw a less crowded and completely calm place called ‘South Indian Bank’. What is there in the name if he can get service there? He entered and said what he wanted. He was asked whether he has bank account with this South Indian Bank. The answer was no and they also said that no, he can not get forex service there if he has not bank account there. He was asked in which bank he has account with? He replied, ‘State Bank of India’ among many banks with which he has accounts. He was told to walk little ahead, and there he will see ‘State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur’ which is one of the many subsidiaries/group banks of State controlled ‘State Bank of India’. He obeyed. He went to State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur and explained the case. He was asked whether he has bank account with State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur and he replied that he has with ‘State Bank of India’. He was nicely advised to go ‘State Bank of India’ which is just 100 meters away from that place. He again obeyed.

He went to that bank ‘State Bank of India’ and found that that particular bank branch is for NRI Services. The bank served only to those customers which have bank account with that particular branch. He was told other two bank branches of ‘State Bank of India’ which were around Cannaught Place and was suggested to go there. Now, he succumbed little, and gave up the plan to visit those branches of ‘State Bank of India’. But, while walking around, he saw another bank ‘Indian Bank’ with which also he had bank account. He thought to give a last shot, and went inside, and explained his problem. The bank told that since my friend has bank account with Indian Bank in some other branch in Hyderabad, it takes minimum two to three days to get the services. My friend was told that he needs to submit his Visa and Passport, reasons for foreign currency requirements in one application. The request should be routed through his branch in Hyderabad, his branch in Hyderabad should be convinced that he really requires foreign currency and once the branch in Hyderabad approves the release of foreign currency, then, he will get it after two three days from Delhi Branch of Indian Bank.

The explanation frightened my friend, he came out and just on his right, there was a foreign currency dealer. He gave his Indian rupees-a thick bunch of money and received around 9 to 10 US 100 Dollar Notes.

He was really amazed, really frustrated and all smiling moved ahead to Delhi Metro Station in Palika Bazar, as I saw him on that day.

(I will write my experience of Nepal in relation to foreign currency conversion after few days.)

What makes us happy?

This is an interesting question to ask to myself when I am not that happy in my life these days. Problem with me is that I do not know why I am not happy. But knowing the cause of happiness should be a great milestone for us so that we can adopt that ways in life, which is possibly taking us to the path of happiness !

When I see a lot of people around me, like me, young people are not so happy with life. Of course, real reason of being unhappy is not known, except the fact that all are unhappy because of this or that. So, the rudimentary question that everyone would like to ask is, “What makes us happy?”

My possible answers will be, most probably, a lot of money, nice car, a lot of friends, boy friend/girl friend, nice home, sex, a lot of booze, nice books to read, music, movies and metals to play with in the night where you can scream loudly to get over all those frustations. I am not sure how long list will go but these things and many more things in life make people happy, I am sure.

To find what makes people happy, it is worthwhile to ask what makes them unhappy? Like works make me very unhappy. Simple principle is that I do not want to work, just want to eat good food, good TV Programmes, good movies and want to listen to music. Random and incorehent thoughts but I have these kinds of thoughts. I do not know when I can just sleep for hours and tell “fuck this world”, possibly not in near future but I just feel like, I need a day and more days like this.

I do not know what exactly makes us happy in this world? I do not know.

Nepali Politics: Cant stay without commenting!!!

There is no difference between entire Nepal and my room in Hyderabad these days, in terms of power trouble. There is frequent electricity power cut in Hyderabad these days and in Nepal, both political power in addition to electricity power has dried up.

My laptop has some power back up and I have been rendered jobless in this dark night. It’s dark enough to be called dark at this night as the lights from candles are fading away even before they reach me.

I am jobless in this dark night, have been compelled to use internet through wireless( wi-fi) card. Had there been power, I would be using internet only but my net would be certainly faster on broadband n I would be roaming from one website to another. Now, in this powerless darkness, we have limited option and feel like commenting about power-political power, of course.

This week, when we start commenting on power and political power in Nepal, the name cerianly erupts in mind is Prachanda- the most hated, despiged, loved, hailed as leader etc. etc. depending on your choice and political inclination.

We are all aware of political dramas unfolding in Nepal. the sacking of army chief by Government, re-instatement of Army chief by President, PM’s prachanda’s resignation and his speech against foreign power. He said that he held his head high when foreign powers were forcing him to bend as per their wishes.

Many hailed Prachanda——-it was a ‘Hail Prachanda Era’.

In some speech, it was reported that he said that his resignation was a missile against foreign dogs or something like that. Hail Prachanda became louder.

N Today’s THE HINDU, one Indian Newspaper, published Prachanda’s interview that came as a real missile to many of us. U can see his interview and new related to this here:



Here, in the above news, Mr. Prachanda shamelessly reveals that he asked for India’s help to resolve the issue. Is that his greatness? When army row is Nepal’s internal matter, why he approached for India’s help?

That means all his tallks on nationality and not being influenced by foreign interference is just a tall claim, and how long he expects to make people fool by his inconsistent big talks??

I am sure we will soon hear on our backyard people saying, “Down with Prachanda”.

Habit of Reading!

[This post is originally published in my Blog Yuvazone]


In my earlier blog post, I was talking about reading magazines and Newspaper. Yes, I love to read them. When I am going to finish this post another day and not on the day, I started writing it, The Hindu is before me. I guess you all know my fascination and my like of The Hindu. It is the best newspaper in India not barring its several flaws and drawbacks.

In this blog entry today, I wish to talk about my fascination of reading books. I am not that avid reader. But, I keep on reading them. Books on all subjects and if they are interesting, I love to read them. I have only one bad habit is not to complete the books once I start to read. I need to make a resolution now in life that I read a lot of and many many books and make sure that I compltete each of them. It is not the first time that I am making resolution but I need to implement them is what I think now.
Regarding books, I am reading two books simultaneously. One is Godan by Premchand in English. I knew that Premchand was a great writer in India where he wrote hindi novels and depicted the plight of poor peasants, n farmers who suffered from British rule. As I understand that Premchand’s most of the stories and novels are based on the rural India’s life where British Rule coupled with rich and mighty Indians exploited their own Indian brothers and sisters. N Premchand’s Godan is also in that background.
I bought this book in 2008 May when I went to Delhi, Cannaught Place with one of my foreign friends. She was not from native english speaking country. So, she bought there some grammer books for children which she wanted to use while teaching primary kids in her country. I have this habit that whenever I go to any book place I bring something with me; for me. 
When I saw that ocean of books there, could not resist myself from buying the book. I took Godan. now, I kept that book for a long time and thought in last October that I should read that. I started reading in October and it’s not over yet. I think it is only 51% of book that I have read.
Meanwhile, My friend varun gave me some good books. N I have started another Book now. It is by Sashi Tharoor where he writes about emerging India, where compares India as a gaint elephant and wants to make it a Lively Wild Tiger.
There is a contrast in both these books. One is about rural poverty, and mendicancy of Indian poors before government authorities in North India. Another is about dream of emerging nation as a superpower and economically sustainable. Of course, Mr. Tharoor knows the ground reality of India and makes reader concious of the fact that India owns even the many many poor people in this world and not only the 20-30 millioners in top fifty list. But, we can sense the optimism that sashi has through his writings.
By reading two books on contrasting topics, I look forward to reading more in future….
That’s all for the day!!! You guys keep on reading!!! My blog.

Work sucks but I do not mind!!!

[This blog article is published in my another blog Yuvazone.]

Hey Dude!

Wat’s up man?……Vineet says, a new friend. I have seen him often in the office corridor, but had never spoken with him. He speaks with me yesterday in loo. I said, Hey Man. I am good. how r u? He says, fine………he asked me, is there work till late night? It was about six in the evening. I said not that much but one assignment is still there. And it was saturday as well which is supposed to be an off day but I was in office from morning to evening. I reciprocated him and his answer is they (He and all people in his service line-Transaction Advisory Services) treat every saturday as a working day. I understood.
So, U work in direct or indirect? “I am in Indirect tax”, was my reply. So, U work with R? again another question. He was asking about my manager. I answered no, I am with BA, my manager’s name.
Okay, So, what are you? an intern or associate? His question was little demeaning n i think by my look on face and youthness, either he underestimated me/underrated me or deleberately asked this question. or May be he did not ask the question deliberately……it was just his way of asking to know about me.
I said, “I am a Consultant”. Good, he said. So, When did you qualify? His intention was to ask when did i become a ‘Chartered Accountant’? I said, I am a lawyer, a B.A;L.L.B (Hons.)’.
As where I work is a firm by/for CAs, most of them think that I am a CA. n now, my turn to throw him flurry of questions. n the same questions- like in which service line you work? what’s ur qualification? how long u are here? how long u are here in this city? n this and that- all in Wh or yes/no question form.
He answered all, of course, as i said above, that he works in TAS and an MBA. Rest of the answers are immeterial now.
After this initial introductory session, now, questions about real work that we do. N he is there to ask another question, “How is work?”
I looked at him, and slowly stared at him, maintaining silence. He waited for my answer. and finally after a little longer pause, I answered, “It sucks.”
and again a silence, n then, I add, “But, I do not mind.”
hahahha…….hehehe………laughter from both sides. R not you enjoying it? another question there.
No, absolutely not, was my staright forward answer. I look at him n he is looking at me, is in a real difficulty whether to smile or not. He is in his half smile, and I futher add his difficulty by saying ” But, I am getting used to it.” I flash a broad smile and he understand that it’s moment to smile.
Yes, of course. All moments in life are fpor smile. We should be cheerfull all the time should be able to laugh at our failures and adversity so that stresses can be put at bay. 
Of course, smiling and cheering up life does not mean that you should not take work seriously. In fact, we should always be serious in life at work but tension and pressure because of work should not be there. Anyway, after this initial on and off of laughter and smile, he asked me general nature of work. Then, I started explaining him that I am replying a show cause notice where stakes are very high. Only the service tax demanded by government is more than 100 Carores and I gave some gyan about my kind of work. N we headed to our respective service line compartments.
He headed to west and I headed to east to be more serious in work and to get more ‘used to’ of it.

Another great festival Tihar-festival of light and flowers

I want to make an invitation card for Tihar. Tihar is another great festival after Bada Dashain/Subha-Vijayadashami.


It’s a great festival, the festival of lights, flowers, Sell roti and Bhaitika among others.


I celebrated Dashain in Home in Nepal but my Tihar will be in Hyderabad, India. It’s okay what I can do. This time I was planning to cook Sellroti but unfortunately gas is over and in India, it is not easy to procure cooking gas. I do not know whether my plan will be executed or not. It all depends if Gas Corporation of Hindustan Petroleum (HP) provides us gas at anytime soon.


I have some Dashain Videos made in our home and I am planning to put them in Youtube or Nepali tube. This Dashain was in home, so, you can see there Home Video!! 🙂 but I have seen some of the photos and videos sent by my friends who stay outside Nepal and it was great to watch their video.


One of my friends’ Dashain video celebrated in Germany was very funny and I just could not laugh watching that. You may watch that in Nepalitube if he has already uploaded it. It makes a good laugh.


Every week, I talk about changing myself. I pondered a lot over this question ‘how to change myself’. I did slowly and now, started reading a bit more than before. I hope to keep this pace.


N all the readers, I am passing out you a Happy Diwali/Dipawali/Tihar Subhakamana. Wish you a great Tihar. If some friends are going home after a long time to celebrate Tihar, want to say you guys that enjoy a lot there.


If I can make a card for Tihar, I will post it here. Till then, keep enjoying in this festival of lights and flowers.